August 2018 Newsletter

Voters have the final word!

Amendments to the Constitution or a new Constitution may be proposed by the General Assembly or by a constitutional convention, as provided by this article. Only amendments which are of general and uniform applicability throughout the state shall be proposed, passed, or submitted to the people.
– Constitution of the State of Georgia, Article X, Section I, Paragraph I

Proposed Amendment: H.R. 51 Forest Land Fair Market Value Assessment, Taxation
“Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to revise provisions related to the subclassification for tax purposes of and the prescribed methodology for establishing the value of forest land conservation use property and related assistance grants, to provide that assistance grants related to forest land conservation use property may be increased by general law for a five-year period and that up to 5 percent of assistance grants may be deducted and retained by the state revenue commissioner to provide for certain state administrative costs, and to provide for the subclassification of qualified timberland property for ad valorem taxation purposes?” Yes____No____

Note: This changes the methods of assessing and taxing “forest land conservation use property.” Currently, such must exceed 200 acres. This changes the required acreage to “at least 200 acres in aggregate” in one or two counties with at least 100 acres within a county. It defines a fair market value of forest land and allows the state to tax assistance grants five-percent for administration costs. A qualified timberland property appraisal manual would be adopted. However, Department of Revenue appraisals of timberland could be appealed.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.

August 31, 2018 Radio Commentary

Christianity and Politics

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, August 31, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

We’ve been told that the United States is not a Christian nation and was not founded on Christian values.  So, I did a little research and learned that “God” or “the divine” is mentioned at least once in all 50 state constitutions.  Of the four state constitutions that do not mention God, three of them refer to a “Supreme Being” or “Supreme Ruler of the Universe,” and Hawaii’s constitution refers to “Divine Guidance,” instead of God.

Sixty-three percent of adults in Hawaii profess to be Christian, but Hawaii is the only state that has no Christian in its congressional delegation.  However, congressional delegations in 28 of the 50 states are 100-percent professing Christian.  Georgia that ranks number nine in Pew’s list of ten most populous states that are heavily Christian has a 94-percent professing Christian delegation.

Since Congress is filled with representatives and senators who profess to be Christian, it’s evident that non-Christians, as well as Christians, prefer to elect officials who present themselves as having Christian values. Continue reading

August 24, 2018 Radio Commentary

Muzzling Christian Chaplains

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, August 24, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Blatant persecution of Christians is very evident in the military. Case in point is the current threat to Army Chaplain Scott Squires who is endorsed by the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board. As such, he upholds SBC policy that says: “Endorsed chaplains will not conduct or attend a wedding ceremony for any same-sex couple, bless such a union or perform counseling in support of such a union, nor offer any kind of relationship training or retreat, on or off a military installation.”

Chaplain Squires’ observance of SBC policy is legally protected by the National Defense Authorization Act which says, “No member of the Armed Forces may require a chaplain to perform any rite, ritual or ceremony that is contrary to the conscience, moral principles or religious beliefs of the chaplain.”

Also, he is legally protected by four paragraphs in Army Regulation (AR) 165-1 which states: “No member of the Armed Forces may discriminate or take any adverse personnel action against a chaplain, including denial of promotion, schooling, training, or assignment, on the basis of the refusal by the chaplain to comply with a requirement prohibited by paragraph (1)” of the National Defense Authorization Act.

Again, he is legally protected by Department of Defense instructions that include sections of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that prohibit the government from substantially burdening any person’s religious freedom without a compelling government interest. Continue reading

August 17, 2018 Radio Commentary

Churches and Politics

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, August 17, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

As long as a church is operating and functioning as an organized church body, it is automatically exempt from paying taxes to the IRS. But, in the past, many pastors and churches have assumed they could not be politically active and keep their tax-exempt status.

However, churches can conduct non-partisan voter registration, voter identification, and “get-out-the-vote” drives. Churches can provide church members with petitions and educational materials about legislation and critical issues. Churches can discuss church doctrine that applies to politics or legislation or candidates running for office.

Churches can introduce candidates and allow them to speak to the congregation, as long as all candidates for that office have the same opportunity. Churches can have candidate forums if they invite all of the candidates and they can lobby for or against specific legislation. Churches cansupport or oppose judges or cabinet officials. They can spend money on referendums and rent church member contact lists to lobbying groups that support or oppose local, state or federal legislation or constitutional amendments. Continue reading