September 28, 2018 Radio Commentary

White House Dinner for Christian Conservatives

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, September 28, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

If you have referred to President Trump as “King Cyrus,” this may encourage you.  On August 27th he hosted a White House dinner for Christian conservative activists and declared “the attacks on communities of faith are over” under his watch and vowed to help “uplift our nation in prayer, defend the sanctity of life, and forever proudly remain one nation under God.”

Dinner guests included Vice President and Mrs. Pence, the First Lady, Pastor Paula White, Alveda King, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Darrell Scott, Robert Jeffress, Ralph Reed, Tony Perkins, Lester Warner, Dr. and Mrs. James Dobson, who were celebrating their 58th wedding anniversary, two Cabinet Secretaries and an Ambassador.

After extending prayers and condolences to the Jacksonville shooting victims and Senator McCain’s family, President Trump’s report of his administration’s accomplishments was often interrupted with applause. Continue reading

September 21, 2018 Radio Commentary

Troubling News about Smart Meters

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, September 21, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Beginning in 2007, Georgia Power and other electric companies began replacing analog meters with smart meters that record and remotely transmit power use in real time. As a result, power companies (a) don’t need meter-readers anymore; (b) they can increase prices by time-of-use; and (c) turn off high-use appliances at any time.

By 2011 Georgia Power had installed 1.7 million smart meters and continued until all analog meters were replaced.  Since Georgia Power allowed no opt-outs, complaints led to legislative action in 2012, when the Senate passed S.B. 459, but the House didn’t.

On December 17, 2013 the Public Service Commission approved a Smart Meter Opt-Out charge in Georgia Power’s 2013 rate case.  Since then, Georgia Power has allowed opt-outs, but charges consumers $19 a month to have their analog meter read.

Now the court’s involved.  Last month on August 16th the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that smart meter data collection constitutes a search under the U.S. Constitution Fourth Amendment and the Illinois Constitution.  The court, also, decided the search is reasonable, although smart meters indicate when people are home, when the home is vacant, as well as the occupants’ sleeping and eating routines.  Also, smart meters monitor and record the power usage of specific appliances, which may be targetted for peak-use cut-off. Continue reading

September 14, 2018 Radio Commentary

Cake Baker Sued, Again

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, September 14, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Masterpiece Cakeshop (sic) owner Jack Phillips is on the hot-seat again, despite the Supreme Court’s 7 – 2 vote in his favor on June 4th.  However, that decision did not settle the fundamental question as to whether the government can coerce (force) businesses to discard their faith when doing business.  So, Jack Phillips is being targeted … again.

In June of 2017, Jack Phillips was asked by a transgender Colorado lawyer to bake a cake that was blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate the lawyer’s birthday, which, also, was the seventh anniversary of the lawyer’s “coming out” as transgender.

Fast-forward more than a year to June 26, 2018.  That’s when the Colorado Civil Rights Commission decided there was probable cause that the Masterpiece Cakeshop owner denied the transgender lawyer “equal enjoyment of a place of public accommodation.”

Let me say this about that charge.  By using the words “public accommodation,” the Colorado Civil Rights Commission seem to equate Jack Phillips’ “private bakery,” which he owns and operates, with “public accommodations,” that are provided by government taxes.  According to Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, the legal definition of “public” is “belonging to the entire community.”  Jack Phillips’ bakery does not belong to the entire community, but Colorado commissioners seem to think it does. Continue reading

September 7, 2018 Radio Commentary

Exonerated! SBC Chaplain Squires

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, September 7, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

There’s good news today! On August 24th, the Army exonerated Chaplain Scott Squires and his assistant Kacie Griffin by announcing rejection of all charges against them. Chaplain Squires had been charged with dereliction of duty and sex-discrimination against a lesbian soldier. His assistant was facing charges for not immediately registering a female soldier who wanted to attend the marriage retreat with another enlisted female and identify as a same-sex couple.

Since same-sex marriage conflicts with his faith, the chaplain rescheduled the date of the retreat, so another chaplain could conduct it. After the soldier filed charges against them, Squires and Griffin were provided a defense attorney by the First Liberty Institute, a non-profit public interest law firm that, exclusively, defends religious freedom for all Americans.

After a four-month Army investigation of the incident, charges were announced August 1st, but three weeks later all charges were dismissed. Their attorney from First Liberty said: “We are grateful that the Army has rejected and abandoned these baseless charges. The U.S. military is no place for anti-religious hostility against its own military chaplains. Chaplains like Scott Squires and assistant Kacie Griffin do not have to give up their First Amendment rights in order to serve their fellow soldiers.” Continue reading