November 8, 2013 Radio Commentary

Freedom: Don’t Throw It Away

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, November 8, 2013 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

In my hand is a small 31-page booklet containing two foundational documents of the United States of America. The first five pages include the Declaration of Independence and a list of its signatories – 55 men from 13 colonies of the Confederation.

Beginning on page seven The Constitution of the United States outlines the new government, with its triune power divided among three Branches – Executive, Legislative and Judicial – with no intrusion granted from one to the other. Since Rhode Island sent no delegate to the convention, The Constitution was signed by a total of 38 men from 12 colonies and George Washington who signed it as President of the Convention and Deputy from Virginia. By November 21, 1789, 12 of the 13 colonies had ratified The Constitution. Rhode Island did so six months later on May 29, 1790, over a year after the first President of the U.S. took office.

That first president was George Washington who, on April 30, 1789 took the presidential oath of office and set the tone for future presidents by honoring the division of powers outlined in The Constitution. He did not infringe on the powers of Congress or the Judiciary or take advantage of his presidential executive power. His warning against long-term alliances with foreign countries should be a guide for current officials to oppose and reject the many foreign treaties that contradict U.S. laws and would interfere with freedoms granted by the Creator. Continue reading

December 2012 Newsletter

Thanks, to the Founding Fathers, U.S. Dodged another Bullet!
38 Votes Protected U.S. from Dangerous U.N. Treaty 

The U.N. helped negotiate over 300 international treaties to expand international law, ranging from human rights treaties to agreements governing the oceans, outer space and diplomatic relations among nations.
1995 United Nations Association of the U.S.A.

The issue on December 4th was whether disabled children and adults in the U.S. could by-pass parents, care-takers and doctors to complain, directly, to the U.N. and give the U.N. control over their treatment and care. Also, any person or group could contact the U.N. on behalf of a disabled person, whether or not the disabled person authorized them to contact the U.N.

The U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) has been signed by 153 countries and ratified by 117. President Obama signed it July 24, 2009 and 61 U.S. senators voted FOR it on December 4th. Except for the Constitution’s required two-thirds vote and 38 Senators who voted NO, care of disabled U.S. citizens would be subject to U.N. rules.

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin thought UNCRPD was good for the U.S. and moved for passage by “unanimous consent” September 19th, with no debate and no roll-call vote. Mr. Durbin’s proposal was blocked when Utah Senator Mike Lee objected from the Senate floor.

The next day, on September 20th, 36 senators, including Senator Lee, sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, asking the Senate to refrain from the consideration of treaties during the lame duck session, stating they would oppose any effort to consider a treaty until after the new Congress is seated in January. The request of those 36 senators was not honored and on December 4th the Senate vote of 61 to 38 defeated UNCRPD. Thankfully, Georgia Senators Chambliss and Isakson voted NO!

Why did the treaty fail, with 61 of 99 votes?
To ratify a treaty, the Constitution of the United States requires a two-thirds vote of senators present. On December 4th, of the 99 senators responding to the roll-call vote, 38 voted against it and the 61 voting for it were six shy of the constitutionally required two-thirds.

Homeschoolers are very concerned about Article 7 of UNCRPD.
CRPD allows government to take away parental rights, such as home-schooling for children with disabilities, if the government thinks homeschool is not “in the best interest of the child.”

Treaties threaten U.S. sovereignty.
A treaty signed by the President, is not effective until ratified by two-thirds of the Senate. It does not go to the House. Many dangerous treaties1 have been around for years, but have been kept at bay. Obama wants all of their provisions enacted, whether by executive order or treaty.

ACTION – Thank Georgia senators for voting against UNCRPD! Ask them to vote NO on the treaties listed below.

Senator Saxby Chambliss: Toll-free in D.C., 1 800 234-4208; Savannah, 912 232-3657; Augusta, 706 738-0302; Macon, 478 741-1417; Atlanta 770 763-9090; Moultrie, 229 985-2112; Washington, D.C., 202 224-3521

Senator Johnny Isakson: Toll-free D.C. 1 877 851-6437; Atlanta, 770 661-0999; Washington, D.C., 202 224-3643

  •  To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.

December 7, 2012 Radio Commentary

Good News: Georgia Senators Voted NO on UN Treaty

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, December 7, 2012 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Good morning, Jim.  There’s good news today!  Last Tuesday at, precisely, 30
minutes after noon the U.S. Senate counted 61 YES votes and 38 NO votes on the
U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  If it had been a
normal bill, it would have passed.  But, thanks to the Constitution of the
United States, ratification of treaties requires a two-thirds majority vote by
the senators present.  Of 100 U.S. Senators, 99 voted on roll-call December
4th.  So, the 38 votes were four more than were needed to defeat the treaty.
This is serious business, since a treaty ratified by the Senate supersedes all
other authority and becomes the law of the land.  It’s more powerful than
federal and state constitutions and federal and state laws.  It’s more powerful
than federal, state and local rules, regulations, policies and ordnances enacted
anywhere in the United States.  And, that’s not all.  Trying to overturn a
treaty in court is a waste of time, because treaties ratified by the U.S. Senate
must be followed by every judge on every level.
Had it passed the Senate, that U.N. treaty would have allowed foreign agents to
intrude in the lives of any disabled child or adult that complained on a U.N.
hot-line set up for their use.  If that hot-line were used by a disabled
complainant or anyone acting on his behalf, a U.N. committee could by-pass the
family, the doctor, state and federal governments and the courts to require
changes based on international standards, with mandatory progress reports to the
U.N. within six months. Continue reading

November 2012 Newsletter

Action ALERT! Lame Duck Session Considering UN Treaty

Treaties ratified by the U.S. Senate supersede the Constitution of the United States, become the law of the land and nullify contradictory federal and state laws, rules, regulations and policies.

A September 20, 2012 letter to Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell was signed by 36 U.S. Senators, who requested that the Senate refrain from considering treaties in the congressional lame duck session – the period between the November election and the January 20, 2013 inauguration. They, further, informed the Leaders that the 36 cosigners of the letter would “oppose efforts to consider any treaty during this time period.”

On November 27th, despite that letter, the Senate voted 61-36 to take up the U.N. Convention (treaty) on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It was discussed, but not voted on.

Why should anyone who is not disabled be concerned? CRPD seems to apply only to disabled individuals. However, the U.N. could intervene in any family or group that includes a person with a disability, defined as a long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment that may hinder full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

On August 14, 2012, WND Radio quoted U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) as follows:

“…another U.N. treaty that threatens American sovereignty has been put back on the table by foreign diplomats and their internationalist allies in the federal government. It’s called the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Disabled, which calls for government agents to supersede the authority of parents of disabled children and even covers abortion.”

Fact: CRPD allows disgruntled children to bypass parents and complain directly to the U.N.

  • Disabled minors or adults could bypass family and U.S. law to complain directly to the U.N.
  • Decisions for disabled children and adults would be under U.N. control and global values.
  • Complaints could be made by or on behalf of individuals or groups that claim victim status.
  • After a complaint, the planned remedy (using U.N. rules) must be reported in six months.
  • The U.N. would be authorized to mandate immediate changes, even during the six months.

Fact: If CRPD is ratified, the U.N. Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC) would be next.
A mother’s report from a country enforcing CRC:
“The rights of the child is insanity…when our daughter was 12 or 13 she ran away to the streets of ??????? We were told this was her right and it was her choice to be there. …I was told if I grabbed her from the streets or forced her to come home against her will, I could have been charged with kidnapping her…which could have sent me to jail. You have no idea what this does to a family. …there is much more to my story than this…but it gives you a little idea of how it takes the parents’ rights away so completely…and how much damage it does to that child. …It is a parent’s worst nightmare.”

ACTION – Oppose ratification of CRPD and other U.N. treaties. Contact Georgia’s two U.S. Senators as follows:

Senator Saxby Chambliss: Toll-free in D.C., 1 800 234-4208; Savannah, 912 232-3657, fax 912 233-0115; Augusta, 706 738-0302, fax 706 738-0901; Macon, 478 741-1417, fax 478 741-1437; Atlanta 770 763-9090, fax 770 226-8633; Moultrie, 229 985-2112, fax 229 985-2123; Washington, D.C., 202 224-3521, fax 202 224-0103

Senator Johnny Isakson: Toll-free in D.C. 1 877 851-6437 (Ask for his office.); Atlanta, 770 661-0999, fax 770 661-0768; Washington, D.C., 202 224-3643, fax 202 228-0724

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.