January 2024 Newsletter

Georgia Constitution & State Law, No. 1 Reasons to Oppose S.B. 394

“Each school system shall be under the management and control of a board of education, the members of which shall be elected as provided by law.”
Constitution of the State of Georgia, Article VIII. Section V. Paragraph II
“It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or loan for monetary consideration or otherwise furnish or disseminate to a minor: Any picture, photograph, drawing, sculpture, motion picture film, or similar visual representation or image of a person or portion of the human body which depicts sexually explicit nudity, sexual conduct, or sadomasochistic abuse and which is harmful to minors.”
– O.C.G.A. 16-12-103
a. Exposing minors to sexually explicit material is a criminal offense in Georgia.
b. There is no age-appropriate time to corrupt the minds of minors – in school or elsewhere.
c. “Each public school is permitted to exclude materials that are pervasively vulgar or educationally unsuitable from its primary and supplementary instructional material.”

S.B. 394 requires local school boards to comply with yet-to-be-written unknown future policies and standards to be set. Subsequently, such new standards would be subject to annual adjustment by the State Board of Education.

S.B. 394, regardless of community standards, would require local boards of education to allow class-room use of material, currently, classified as restricted, harmful-to-minors and sexually explicit.
Q. Which K-12 course requires the use of such material?
S.B. 394 authorizes restricted, harmful-to-minors and sexually explicit material in grades 7-12.
Q. If it’s deemed harmful, restricted and sexually explicit for 12-year-olds in K-6, why is it authorized for 13-year-olds in grades 7-12?
FACT: There is no age-appropriate time to corrupt the minds of minors.
Q. Is using harmful and sexually explicit material meant to change community standards? Q. Who is pushing this into Georgia schools?

S.B. 394 Proposed Standards for Buying/Retaining Instructional Material
S.B. 394 does not prohibit the purchase or use of sexually explicit material. Instead, it requires vendors to identify the sexually explicit sections of the texts/materials they are selling.
S.B. 394 does not prohibit schools and school libraries from keeping and providing sexually explicit resources and books, but requires them to list online those to be retained.

There is no age-appropriate time to expose innocent children to sexually explicit material or that which is harmful-to-minors. There is no K-12 course requiring such to be available or used in class or the school library. This bill violates Georgia law and community standards.

ACTION – OPPOSE S.B. 394. Call Education and Youth Committee Senators Dixon, Ch., 404 656-6446; Payne, V-Ch., 463-5402; Sims, Sec., 463-5259; Brass, 656-0057, Ex-Officio; Dolezal, 656-0040, Ex-Officio; Gooch, Ex-Officio, 656-9221; Halpern, 656-9644; James, 463-1379; Parent, 656-5109; Setzler, 656-0256; Still, 656-7127; Tate, 463-8053.

Read more of about S.B. 394 and more in the latest newsletter here.

December 2023 Newsletter

General Assembly Convenes January 8th
Could This Happen in Georgia?

“Virginia lawmaker slams school board member for being sworn in on a stack of ‘banned books’: ‘Pull your kids out of school.’”
The Washington Examiner, December 19, 2023 Headline

Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas(R), who made the above statement in a December 18th Fox News interview with Jesse Watters, pleaded with parents, “If you can, pull your kids out of schools because that guy won with 65% of the vote and he’s not done.”

Delegate Freitas continued, “Here’s the thing I want to get across to parents because it’s always this idea of ‘banned books.’ I’ve got news for you. These books aren’t banned…. We had a bill in Virginia that said we won’t ban any books, but if you have books like this, you need to be able to keep a list on your public school library website, and parents need to be able to go on it, see that, and if they see a book that they think is inappropriate for their child, they get to prevent their child from checking out the book.”

School Board Member Karl Frisch Sworn-in With Hand on Stack of Porn Books
Fairfax County School Board Vice-chairman Karl Frisch was quoted December 1, 2023 in DailyWire.com as follows, “The religious nuts came out of the woodwork. Fairfax has a history of being an epicenter for right-wing religious fanaticism.”
The Daily Wire provided further background: “Frisch does not have any children…. is a Democrat campaign consultant from California and has few roots in Virginia. He won his first term by fundraising from out-of-state donors based on LGBTQ issues. His partner is a choral director for the school system.” Frisch becomes Fairfax School Board chair on January 1, 2024.

Read more of this story and more in the latest newsletter here.

October 2023 Newsletter

“A Letter to My Family – to Keep Them Safe”

“After the horrific events in Israel & the protests here in America I wrote this letter to my children. It is my plan to protect them based upon more than 10 years in national security. Please share.”
– Sebastian Gorka/Dr. G, Oct. 23, 2023

“Terrorists want you to be afraid. Don‟t be afraid. Be wise. Be prepared.

“Given what has happened in the last 14 days, I expect the war in Israel to escalate.

“With the jihadi murder of a teacher in France and two Swedish tourists gunned down in Belgium since the Hamas attacks, plus our embassies being surrounded and one set ablaze in the Middle East, the spread of violence to America is sadly inevitable.

“As a result we need to make yourselves harder targets for those who may want to hurt us simply because we are American.

“The nature of the threat

“For us living just outside DC, and with business there every day, the threat is the highest, given the symbolism of the capital, and the number of attractive targets for terrorists. Since I am licensed to carry concealed weapons, I am armed at all times. As the saying goes, ‘It’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.’

“For those of us who don’t have a Concealed Carry Permit, now is the time to get certified and apply. Once you are qualified, train, train and train. A weapon is of no use, in fact it is a deadly liability if you aren’t comfortable with it, or cannot use it proficiently, and are clear where you can deploy it legally and legitimately.

“In the meantime until you are certified and comfortable you should be carrying the best defensive CS of pepper-spray out there. I recommend this one.

“For those of us living and working in states and municipalities which have heavy restrictions on what you can and can’t carry, there are still many options open. Outside of the capital, the level of threat is thankfully lower. Instead of a sophisticated terrorist attack by multiple perpetrators, the most likely scenario for violence is a sole gunman or knife attack, as in France, or an anti-America protest unexpectedly getting violent.”

Read more of Sebastian Gorka’s letter and the rest of the current newsletter here.

Read more of Sebastian Gorka’s letter and the rest of the current newsletter here.

September 2023 Newsletter

Globalism & the Great Reset

“The Great Reset came into general circulation over a decade ago, with the publication of a 2010 book, “The Great Reset,” by American urban studies scholar Richard Florida, written in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.”
– Dr. Michael Rectenwald, Hillsdale College, November 7, 2021

The December 2021 issue of Hillsdale College’s Imprimis featured the on-campus speech of Dr. Michael Rectenwald that answered this question, “What is the Great Reset?” Assuring the audience that the Great Reset is real, he began his speech with this:

“Last year [2020] Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) – a famous organization made up of the world‟s political, economic, and cultural elites that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland – and Thierry Malleret, co-founder and main author of the Monthly Barometer, published a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset. In the book, they define the Great Reset as a means of addressing the „weaknesses of capitalism‟ that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic.”

He, also, cited Richard Florida‟s 2010 book entitled The Great Reset, which deemed the 2008 economic crash as the latest in a series of Great Resets, such as the Long Depression of the 1870s and the Great Depression of the 1930s. Florida defined both as periods of “paradigm-shifting systemic innovations,” i.e., frameworks for diluting the sovereignty of nations.

During the 2014 WEF annual meeting, Schwab said, “What we want to do in Davos this year … is to push the reset button.”

“In May 2018, the WEF collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to conduct ‘CLADE X, a simulation of a world pandemic response’ … that without effective vaccines “experts tell us that we could eventually see 30 to 40 million deaths in the U.S. and more than 90 million around the world – twelve percent of the global population.”

In October 2019, the WEF … simulated another exercise – “Event 201 – as an international response to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus…. That scenario included the idea of asymptomatic spread.” Those exercises demonstrated how pandemics would affect” responses by governments, health agencies, the media, tech companies and elements of the public.”

Dr. Rectenwald continued, “The Great Reset aims to usher in a bewildering economic amalgam – Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism – which I have called ‘corporate socialism’ and Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has called ‘communist capitalism.'”

Read more of the September 2023 newsletter here.