August 2023 Newsletter

Bring Your Bible to School Day Oct. 5th

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
– The Constitution of the United States First Amendment, Ratified December 15, 1791

Bring Your Bible to School Day, created by Dr. James Dobson‟s Focus on the Family ministry, began in 2014 and has continued as an annual event. The first Thursday in October is always designated as a “student-led celebration that empowers Christian students to live out their faith. “All it takes is two simple steps – bringing your Bible to school and sharing what God‟s Word means to you.” Last year‟s Day was “an awesome success! Thanks to everyone who participated last year and [we] are looking forward to even more this year.”

Students may register online at and purchase Bring Your Bible to School Day badges, stickers, patches and T-shirts that are available in colors and imprinted on the front with “Bring Your Bible to School,” and “God is With You” on the back.

AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2023
S.1669 “AM radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2023” by Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) was introduced into the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee May 17, 2023 and passed the committee July 27th. Final passage is needed because some manufacturers are leaving AM radios out of vehicles, whether or not they use electricity, gasoline or diesel fuel. It applies to motor vehicles made or imported in the U.S. or shipped in interstate commerce.

AM Radio: How important is it?
AM radio provides news and talk, sports coverage, up-to-date current event data and opinion pieces; broadcasts emergencies, weather and Amber alerts, with long-distance signals that penetrate buildings, and warn multitudes of people quickly. Some stations specialize in religious programs of spiritual messages and prayer; others air classic hits and unique music genres, such as “golden-oldie” favorites of nostalgic listeners. All may include seasonal live play-by-play sports, while communicating with experts and commentators on the field.

Requirements of S.1669: The DOT and FEMA must jointly issue a rule to install as standard equipment in new motor vehicles devices that access AM broadcasting. Prior to the effective date of the rule, manufacturers must, through clear and conspicuous labeling, inform purchasers that the vehicle has no device to access AM broadcasting. DOT may assess civil penalties against any manufacturer that fails to comply with the mandate. DOJ may sue violators.

Also, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) must study and report (a) what a different system would cost and (b) the cost and the time needed to develop and implement replacements.

Since S.1669, currently, awaits a full Senate vote, all U.S. senators need to be contacted. U.S. Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Osoff should hear from Georgians.

ACTION – Support. Text “AM” to 52886 or call the Capitol switchboard at 1 877 762-8762 to be connected with senators or representatives. Please ask them to keep AM radio in all motor vehicles.

Read more of the August 2023 newsletter here.

July 2023 Newsletter

Will Universities Comply with SCOTUS’ 6 – 3 Decision?

“In other words, the student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual – not on the basis of race. Many universities have for too long done just the opposite…. Our constitutional history does not tolerate that choice. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit and of the District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina are reversed. It is so ordered.”
– Supreme Court of the U.S. (SCOTUS) Opinion June 29, 2023, Cases 20-1199 and 21-707

Chief Justice Roberts, who wrote the Court’s Opinion, began his comments with this: “In these cases we consider whether the admissions systems used by Harvard College and the University of North Carolina, two of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the U.S., are lawful under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.” Psst! They weren’t.

The Cases: In November 2014 Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. (SFAI) filed separate lawsuits against Harvard College and the University of North Carolina, arguing that their raced-based admissions programs violated Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. SCOTUS ruled for SFAI in both cases. Title VI prohibits discrimination based on race, color or national origin under a program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, as does the Fourteenth Amendment.

UNC, Harvard and the 14th Amendment: SCOTUS evaluated the admissions program of both Harvard College and the University of North Carolina under the Fourteenth Amendment. The District Court in both cases held bench trials – Harvard’s lasted 15 days, N.C.‟s lasted eight days. The Harvard Court concluded that Harvard’s admissions program was acceptable and the North Carolina Court said UNC‟s admissions process was permitted under the Equal Protection Clause. Both decisions were reversed by the June 29, 2023 SCOTUS Opinion.

Read the full newsletter here.

June 2023 Newsletter

Prayer, a U.S. Staple

1775 – The first Continental Congress called for a National Day of Prayer1 (NDP).

1873 – Abraham Lincoln called for an NDP.

1952 – Congress established an annual NDP, which President Truman signed into law.

1988 – That law was amended to designate the first Thursday in May as the annual NDP.

1789-2022 – Presidents made 151 national calls to prayer, humiliation, fasting, thanksgiving.

1952-2022 there were 74 Presidential Proclamations for an NDP. 1952 and following, every President has signed an NDP proclamation.

  • 35 of the 45 U.S. Presidents signed proclamations for NDP.
  • Three of the Presidents that did not sign a proclamation died while serving in office.
  • Two Presidents not included in the count – William Howard Taft and Warren Gamaliel Harding – signed Proclamations for Thanksgiving and Prayer.
  • Since 1775 and counting, 1,526 state and federal calls for national prayer are recorded.

May 24, 1774, Thomas Jefferson drafted a Resolution for a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer to be observed as the British blockaded Boston Harbor. Robert Carter Nicholas introduced the Resolution in the Virginia House of Burgesses, and, with support of Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee and George Mason, it passed unanimously.

Read more of America’s amazing legacy of prayer here.

May 2023 Newsletter

Q. Why are AM radios banished from motor vehicles?
A. Electromagnetic interference of EVs causes static in AM radios.

“BMW and Volvo told me it was due to audio quality problems rooted in electromagnetic interference, of which EVs’ [electric vehicles] drivetrains produce a significant amount.”
– “Auto-Makers are Starting to Drop AM Radio In New Cars. Here’s Why,” by Reporter James Gilboy

AM Radio Protection Bill in Congress
“AM radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2023” by Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) was introduced into the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee May 18, 2023. Committee ranking member Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Senator Markey are leading nine other members of Congress from both parties in support of the Act.
Provisions: Within a year after this becomes law, the Secretary of Transportation and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator must jointly issue a rule that requires:

  • Devices that can receive signals and play content transmitted by AM broadcast stations must be installed as standard equipment in motor vehicles manufactured in the U.S., imported into the U.S, or shipped in interstate commerce after the effective date of the rule;
  • Dashboard access to AM broadcast stations must be installed and conspicuous to the driver. After the rule takes effect, manufacturers may comply by installing devices that are capable of receiving signals and playing content transmitted by digital audio AM broadcast stations as standard equipment in vehicles manufactured in the U.S., imported into the U.S. or shipped in interstate commerce.

Interim Requirement
Between the date the Act is enacted and the effective date of the required rule, motor vehicles manufactured in the U.S., imported into the U.S. or shipped in interstate commerce shall have clear and conspicuous labeling to inform buyers that the vehicles do not include devices that receive signals and play content via AM broadcast stations.

Penalty for Non-compliance
The U.S. Attorney General may sue violators in the appropriate U.S. district court.

Mandatory Research Study
The Comptroller General (CG) must study and assess whether an alternative system could:

  • Reliably resiliently deliver to drivers and passengers alerts and critical information from the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System as currently provided by AM radio.
  • Reach 90 percent of the U.S. population in crises and at night as AM radio does.
  • Assess the cost to drivers and passengers to receive communications via another system.

ACTION – Support. Ask senators and representatives to support AM radio by text AM52886 and/or call 1 877 762-8762. That number goes to a switchboard whereby you may and ask to be connected with senators and representatives.

  • To read the entire newsletter, click here.