August 12, 2016 Radio Commentary

Mosque Zoned-In, Other Religions Zoned-Out

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, August 12, 2016 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Acting under new regulations, the Housing and Urban Development Agency has begun its strategy to over-turn the right of states and local government to zone property according to community standards. This is what’s happening.

Last month, the federal Department of Justice filed suit against a tiny 21-square-mile township, where 60,000 residents live “out in the country,” just northeast of Philadelphia. The town was originally named Salem, meaning “peace,” but in 1701 Ben, which means “son,” was added to honor William Penn. So, Bensalem – “son of peace” – is in trouble with the federal government, because local officials refused to adjust the local zoning code to allow a mosque to be built in town.

This is the story in a nutshell. In 2014 Muslims who were meeting in a local firehouse, applied to build a mosque next to township property. After six meetings their application was denied, but last month on July 21st, the Department of Justice filed suit in District Court to force Bensalem officials to grant a permit for the mosque.

A similar problem arose in Bloomington, Minnesota, where residents filed a formal complaint with the city council on July 25th, claiming city officials gave special privileges for a mosque to have exclusive use of Smith Park. Therefore, a group of residents, identified as “Friends of Smith Park,” complained that “you’ve privileged [members of the mosque] above all other religions. You’ve made Smith Park a [mosque-only] zone after the park is already closed, excluding citizens of all other faiths and those of no faith.” Continue reading

August 5, 2016 Radio Commentary

Satan Clubs Target Good News Clubs

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, August 5, 2016 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Circumstances often remind us that the “conflict of the ages” is alive and well, and right now the enemies of God are doubling down in their battle for children.

When public schools first began, teachers used the Bible to teach children to read. Students learned what the Bible says about right and wrong, obeying mom and dad, and living God’s way, but now the Bible is banned from schools, teachers aren’t allowed to mention the God of the Bible, and children are taught they can create their own values.

However, in 1937 God WAS honored in public schools, children COULD read the Bible and pray, teachers COULD mention Jesus and teach Christian principles, and that was the year Reverend J. Irvin Overholtzer founded Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His organization established after-school Good News Clubs to reach as many children as possible with the Truth.

By 2011 CEF had established Good News Clubs in 3,560 schools in the United States. Currently, CEF is world-wide with 1,400 staff members scattered over 165 countries, and is active in every state and province in North America. Continue reading

July 29, 2016 Radio Commentary

Social-Engineering Neighborhoods

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, July 29, 2016 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

In the U.S. Senate several weeks ago, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced an amendment to stop another massive federal power-grab. His amendment would have de-funded the new housing rule that authorizes federal bureaucrats to dictate where low-income residents live.

When Congress passed the “Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH)” regulation, HUD received power to overrule local zoning ordinances concerning housing, and conduct local surveys nation-wide to locate and move welfare recipients into any city, town, zip code, or neighborhood HUD deems not diversified enough.

Of course, the plan is unconstitutional. It interferes with local control, and, under the auspices of the federal executive branch, makes the Housing and Urban Development agency a National Zoning Board with power to rezone any community anywhere along income and racial lines, with no regard for the wishes of local residents.

Although regionalism is unconstitutional, the plan deliberately ignores state boundaries in favor of regions. Case in point is Dubuque, Iowa that was coerced into recruiting welfare recipients from Chicago, Illinois to live in Dubuque’s tax-subsidized low-income housing. Continue reading

July 2016 Newsletter

The Better-Than-Good Republican Platform of 2016

We dedicate this platform with admiration and gratitude to all who stand strong
in the face of danger so that the American people may be protected against it –
the men and women of our military of our law enforcement, and the first responders
of every community in our land – and to their families.

– Republican Platform 2016

The Republican Platform adopted by the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on July 18, 2016 is a power-packed, 58-page document of facts, promises, and proposals developed1 by the 19-member GOP Platform Committee, 110 committee members, 36 staff, and a myriad of participants listed as deserving of special thanks.

GOP Platform Sound Bites
“Republicans consider the establishment of a pro-growth tax code a moral imperative.”
“We envision government at all levels as a partner with individuals and industries in technological progress, not a meddlesome monitor.”
“We pledge to defend the religious beliefs and rights of conscience of all Americans and to safeguard religious institutions against government control.”
“We call for a permanent ban on federal funding and subsidies for abortion and healthcare plans that include abortion coverage.”
“We support the development of all forms of energy that are marketable in a free economy without subsidies, including coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, and hydropower.”

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.