August 5, 2016 Radio Commentary

Satan Clubs Target Good News Clubs

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, August 5, 2016 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Circumstances often remind us that the “conflict of the ages” is alive and well, and right now the enemies of God are doubling down in their battle for children.

When public schools first began, teachers used the Bible to teach children to read. Students learned what the Bible says about right and wrong, obeying mom and dad, and living God’s way, but now the Bible is banned from schools, teachers aren’t allowed to mention the God of the Bible, and children are taught they can create their own values.

However, in 1937 God WAS honored in public schools, children COULD read the Bible and pray, teachers COULD mention Jesus and teach Christian principles, and that was the year Reverend J. Irvin Overholtzer founded Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His organization established after-school Good News Clubs to reach as many children as possible with the Truth.

By 2011 CEF had established Good News Clubs in 3,560 schools in the United States. Currently, CEF is world-wide with 1,400 staff members scattered over 165 countries, and is active in every state and province in North America.However, that success is so disturbing to Satanic Temple members that they launched a plan to place After School Satan Clubs in every public school that has a Good News Club. Satanic Temple members claim to have After School Satan Clubs in nine states already, with more to come. No doubt, it was a strategy meeting July 10th when Satanic Temple chapter heads from four states gathered in Salem, Massachusetts and met online with participants from six other states.

Georgia’s Still Elementary School in Powder Springs is on the targeted-school list for After School Satan Clubs. However, officials of Still Elementary say there is no After School Satan Club in Cobb County, no one from the Satanic Temple has contacted the school, and in no way does the school or district endorse Satan clubs.

Consider this statement from a Satanic Temple leader: “We’d like to see no religion in the schools at all, but since there is already being presented a Christian view, we’re going to go to those schools that [have] an after school Christian program and offer a Satanic one.”

That means Satanic Temple has activated this strategy to purge Christian clubs from public schools. However, Liberty Counsel has promised to provide pro bono legal counsel to any school targeted for an After School Satan Club. Liberty Counsel represents CEF nationwide and has never lost a CEF case. For Georgia Insight I’m Sue Ella Deadwyler, your Capitol correspondent.