New Laws: Two for Guns, Three for Opioids
Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, June 2, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler
When Governor Deal signed H.B. 452, the legislation, actually, was two-bills-in-one because S.B. 1 had been amended onto H.B. 452 that passed March 30th and was signed by the governor May 8th. So, the language of both will become law July 1st.
In its original version H.B. 452 was simple and short, but important. It added a new Georgia Code section requiring the online posting of information about illegal aliens and others who are turned loose in Georgia after being released from federal custody. Such information must be posted for the public to see within 12 hours after it’s received by the Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center, and a copy must be sent to the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association, as well.
But, H.B. 452 became a seven-page bill when S.B. 1 was attached to it. That addition further protects against terrorism by strengthening Georgia’s homeland security and intelligence-gathering efforts and creating a real-time way to communicate intelligence data among local, state, and federal authorities, whenever there’s a suspected terrorist threat or act. Continue reading