June 23, 2017 Radio Commentary

District 6 Election, Capitol Devotionals, Liquor

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, June 23, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Since President Trump appointed members of Congress to serve on his executive cabinet, states have elected their replacements in special elections, and conservative candidates have won every one, including the one in Georgia.

When Karen Handel won the Sixth Congressional District race June 20th, she became the first Republican woman Georgia has ever elected to Congress.  She will take the oath of office after the June 20th vote is certified, and could be seated in time to vote on the bill to replace Obamacare, if it’s amended in the Senate and goes back to the House for agreement.

More good news: Nine leaders in President Trump’s 24-member cabinet, including Vice President Pence, regularly participate in a weekly Bible study for prayer and fellowship in Washington, D.C.  Sponsors of the Bible study include two cabinet members from Georgia – Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price – plus 26 congressmen, including Senator David Perdue, Representatives Rick Allen and Tom Graves from Georgia.  Continue reading

June 16, 2017 Radio Commentary

“Trans” Accommodations?

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, June 16, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Although the Georgia General Assembly has adjourned, bills introduced but not handled this year remain alive for next year, including over a hundred that were introduced the last day of the session.

One of those bills, Representative Golick’s H.B. 629, was assigned to the House Judiciary committee, where Mr. Golick is not only a member, but is a subcommittee chairman, as well. The title of H.B. 629 is the “Georgia Civil Rights in Public Accommodations Act,” and its subject is restrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities that are open to the public.

As introduced, H.B. 629 would create a new chapter in Georgia law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin in public facilities, which would not change Georgia’s current system.  However, H.B. 629 might have been introduced, specifically, to be amended next session.  Note that the bill does not include a separate category for “sex,” since males and females are treated equally in each of the categories already listed.  But please remember: While sex is a biological fact that identifies male and female, gender denotes variant sexual behavior. Continue reading

June 9, 2017 Radio Commentary

“Gray Death” Opioid Confirmed in Georgia

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, June 9, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

When a Georgia police officer caught up to the pick-up truck, it had stopped and the suspect was unconscious in the seat.  Immediately, the officer noticed a gray substance on the floor of the vehicle and called for help, knowing his response meant life or death for the suspect.

The officer recognized the substance as the same chemical that killed its first-known Georgia victim on February 10th this year.  Not only is it new in Georgia, it’s unlike any other natural or synthetic combination of drugs law enforcement has encountered in this state.

When the GBI identified it as highly toxic and deadly, a lab technician named it “gray death,” the term now used all over the country as an accurate description of the concoction – the latest and most deadly street drug available to addicts.  It may be in powder form or in a chunk, with ingredients that may vary from dose to dose.  Expert s described it this way: “The gray material was found to contain a toxic cocktail of opiate drugs.  The ingredients vary, but often contain heroin, two kinds of fentanyl, furanyl fentanyl, and U-47700, all mixed together in the same powder.  The solid material has the appearance of gray concrete mixing powder, with texture variations from light/powdery to chunky/rock-like.”  Continue reading

May 2017 Newsletter

“Gray Death” Opioid Confirmed in Georgia

“If you put this in your body you will die, no questions asked. This is something that I want to be very clear about … it’s not a scare tactic … it’s not a shock factor. …if you put this drug into your body you will die, it will kill you.
There’s a reason why it’s been nicknamed Grey Death. It is deadly.”
– Shelby County Alabama Drug Enforcement Task Force Commander Clay Hammac

Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman Russ Baer says gray death is a combination of heroin, fentanyl and other fentanyl-class substances, such as Carfentanil, a tranquilizer for use on elephants and other large animals. Atlanta law enforcement coined the term “gray gravel heroin” in 2012. Recently, the GBI confirmed Georgia’s first gray death victim as a 24-year-old female in Brookhaven who died February 10, 2017, and described the opioid as follows:

“The gray material was found to contain a toxic cocktail of opiate drugs. The ingredients vary, but often contain heroin, fentanyl, furanyl fentanyl, and U-47700, mixed together in the same powder. The solid material has the appearance of gray concrete mixing powder, with texture variations from light/powdery to chunky/rock-like.”

Reportedly, gray death can be absorbed through the skin, is 10,000 times more potent than morphine, 100 times more powerful than fentanyl, and includes Carfentanil, the elephant tranquilizer described as “crazy dangerous” by a Colorado DEA spokesman. The GBI lab first identified it as gray death in March and, so far, has found it in about 50 different drug seizures.

Three New Laws to Fight Opioid Epidemic in Georgia

  • To read about the new laws the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.