March 2021 Newsletter

ACTION NEEDED! Con Con Bills Passed Senate!

S.R. 28 Requests Congress to Call Article V Constitutional Convention introduced January 28th by Senator Bill Cowsert would (a) limit terms for Representatives in the U.S. House and U.S. Senators. (b) It claims continuing application status until at least two-thirds of the 50 states apply on the same subject. It (c) suggests that Article V Constitutional Conventions can be limited by legislation. However, this bill, inadvertently, indicates otherwise with the latter part of this statement: “the General Assembly of Georgia insists that the convention be solely limited to strict consideration of the subject matter contained in this resolution and that the U.S. Congress enact a severe criminal penalty for persons who violate the finite scope of the call.” The underlined words indicate the probability that con con delegates may stray into other issues. It passed the Senate 34-20 on February 22nd and went to the House Rules Committee.

ACTION – Oppose. Since the Rules Committee has 37 members, please call Representatives Richard Smith Ch., 656-5141; V-Ch., Hatchett, 656-5025; Jasperse, Sec., 656-7153; Democrats Beverly, 656-5058; Drenner, 656-0202, and Holcomb, 656-6372, plus Republicans Ballinger, 656-7153; Kelley, 656-5024; and Carson, 656-7855.

S.R. 29 Application for an Article V Convention of States (COS) introduced January 28th by Senator Ben Cowsert requests that Congress pass a COS limited to passing a balanced budget amendment. The Senate passed it 34-20 February 22nd and it‟s in the House Rules Committee. The explanation of S.R. 28 also pertains to S.R. 29, which passed the Senate 34-20 on February 22nd, as well. Both S.R. 28 and S. R. 29 are in the House Rules Committee.

ACTION – Oppose. The Rules Committee has 37 members, please call the few members listed above under S.R. 28.

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February 2021 Newsletter – Extra Addition

Online Link to Your Legislators
A Brief Tutorial

To learn your legislators’ names, (a) access, (a) where appropriate, type your street address, state and zip code for the link to their House and Senate district numbers. (b) Click a number for either your senator’s or representative’s name and (c) click the other number for the other’s name. (e) Then click on each name to access their pictures and contact numbers. You may email them by putting a period between their first and last name, then add for representatives or for senators.

For example:;

H.B. 258 Sexual Offenses, Age of Consent introduced February 4th by Representative Steven Sainz would raise the age of consent for sodomy from age 10 to age 16. Current law that allows 10-year-olds to consent to sodomy would not be affected, but this adds to current law a new subsection that states: “(e) when the alleged victim is under age 16, consent of the victim shall not be a defense to a prosecution under this Code section.” Further change is needed, as well.

ACTION – Support. Although age 10 for consent needs to be raised, too, this change is an improvement. Call Judiciary Non-Civil Committee Representatives Burchett, Ch., 404 656-5705; Reeves, V-Ch., 651-7737; Gravley, Sec., 656-5025; Efstration, 656-5125; Ballinger, 656-7153; Boddie, 656-0287; Byrd, 656-0213; Cooper, 656-5069; Kendrick, 656-0109; Lopez, 656-0298; McLaurin, 656-0202 Momtahan 656-0178; Setzler, 656-5143; Smith, 657-1803.

H.B. 276 School Athletes Compete According to Biological Sexual ID Representative Wes Cantrell introduced February 8th applies to athletic teams of local school systems, private schools or institutions of the University System of Georgia to prohibit competition with teams of other such schools that allow biological males to participate in athletics designated for females. Biological sex is determined by reproductive biology and genetics at birth.

H.B. 372 High School Athletes Compete According to Biological Sexual ID introduced February 10th by Representative Rick Jasperse does not affect lower grades, but requires high school athletes who are biological males to participate in sports as males. Students whose biological ID is female would participate in events or activities with biological females only.

ACTION – Support both H.B. 276 & H.B. 372. Call Education Committee Representatives Dubnik, Ch., 656-0213; Erwin, V-Ch., 656-0188; Belton, Sec., 656-3947; Benton, 656-5126; Cantrell, 656-0152; Carter, 656-0220; Cheokas, 463-7853; England, 463-2247; Evans, 656-0109; Glanton, 657-1803; Hill, 656-0325; Howard, 656-6372; Jasperse, 656-7153; Jan Jones, 656-5072; Todd Jones, 463-2246; LaRiccia, 651-7737; Mainor, 656-0126; Nguyen, 656-0314; Nix, 656-5146; Paris, 656-0109; Rich, 656-5087; Setzler, 656-5143; Wade, 656-0188; and Wilson, 656-6372.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.

February 2021 Newsletter

Tons of Legislation Introduced

First 8 Days: Legislators Introduce Numerous Amendments to Georgia Constitution
Those that pass will be on the 2022 General Election ballot.

H.R. 4 Georgia General Assembly Term Limits for Representatives and Senators limits representatives to six consecutive terms, increases senator terms to four years, limits them to three terms. Currently, all Georgia legislators serve two-year terms, with unlimited re-election.
ACTION – Oppose. Two-year terms give voters more control. Call Governmental Affairs Committee Representatives Taylor, Ch., 656-7857; Sainz, V-Ch., 656-0178; Gullett, Sec., 656-0178; Anderson, 656-0325; Blackmon, 656-5103; Burnough, 656-0116; Collins, 656-1803; Fleming, 656-5105; Gravley, 656-5025; Leverett, 656-0188; Lumsden, 656-7850; Mainor, 656-0126; Nyugen, 656-0314; Oliver, 656-0265; Powell, 463-3793; Roberts, 656-0220; Shannon, 656-7859; Mary Frances Williams, 656-0287; Rick Williams, 656-0254; and Williamson, 656-5024.

H.R. 13 Remove Cannabis (Marijuana) from Federal Controlled Substances Act
ACTION – Oppose. Marijuana is destructive and addictive. Call Judiciary Non-Civil Committee Representatives Burchett, Ch., 404 656-5705; Reeves, V-Ch., 651-7737; Gravley, Sec., 656-5025; Efstration, 656-5125; Ballinger, 656-7153; Boddie, 656-0287; Byrd, 656-0213; Cooper, 656-5069; Kendrick, 656-0109; Lopez, 656-0298; McLaurin, 656-0202 Momtahan 656-0178; Setzler, 656-5143; Smith, 657-1803.

H.R. 14 Replace Stephens Statue with John Lewis Statue (a) creates the National Statuary Hall Collection Replacement Committee of (b) eight appointees to (c) replace Georgia’s statue of Alexander Hamilton Stephens with statue of Congressman John Lewis in the U.S. Capitol.
ACTION – Oppose. It sets a very disruptive precedent and challenges Georgia history. Call State Properties Committee Representatives Greene, Ch., 656-9210; Dunahoo, V-Ch., 656-0152; Pirkle, Sec., 656-7850; Buckner, 656-0116; Gilliard, 656-7859; Lott, 651-7737; Lumsden, 656-7850; Mike Smith, 656-0265; Werkheiser, 656-5132; M.F. Williams, 656-0287.

H.R. 23 Urge Congress to Reject Actions to Increase Justices on Supreme Court
ACTION – Support. Call Judiciary Committee Representatives Efstration, Ch., 656-5125; Gunter, V-Ch., 656-0325; Scoggins, Sec., 656-0254; Burchettt, 656-5105; Nix, 656-5146; Bruce, 656-7859; Dreyer, 656-0265; Fleming, 656-5105; Holcomb, 656-6372; Todd Jones, 463-2246; Leverett, 656-0188; Evans, 656-0116; Oliver, 656-0265; Reeves, 651-7737; Rich 656-5087; Wilensky 656-0202; and Wilson, 656-6372.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.

January 2021 Newsletter

Georgia General Assembly Convened January 11th

MEMBERS: Senate, 34 Republicans, 22 Democrats; House, 103 Republicans, 76 Democrats Vacant Seat: House District 90, Special Election February 9, 2021

COVID-19: Slightly Different House and Senate Rules Provide the Same Outcome
This year‟s session began January 11th, the second Monday of 2021, per the Constitution of the State of Georgia. Legislators and staff without COVID symptoms will have twice-weekly saliva-based tests conducted by the Georgia Tech Institute of Technology in Capitol Room 230.

Senators testing positive will quarantine at home until they test negative. Senate staff testing positive will be asked to telework and senators testing positive will be excused. The first tests were scheduled for January 5, and contact-tracing will be implemented.
Representatives and House staff experiencing COVID symptoms are asked not to report to the Capitol, but get off-site testing. Tests at the Capitol will be done on Mondays and Thursdays, with results reported to each individual within 24 hours. State funds will cover test costs. Masks are mandatory for officials, employees and visitors in the Capitol Complex.

The Page Program is suspended until further notice. The Chaplain of the Day will continue, but no guest may accompany the Chaplain into the House or Senate.
The House Gallery and Room 341 became over-flow locations for representatives who were displaced after every-other-desk was deemed to be unoccupied to acquire social distancing. Now, the House Gallery is equipped with microphones and voting machine connections.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.