August 14, 2015 Radio Commentary

Law Ignored in Sanctuary Cities

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, August 14, 2015 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

More and more lawlessness is emerging in the United States. Recent events emphasize the horrible results of giving illegal aliens sanctuary, even to the point of shielding habitual criminal aliens from deportation. Unfortunately, it’s become common practice for cities, counties, communities and churches to protect illegals that, seemingly, cross into and out of the United States at will and easily find sanctuary – shelter, provision, and protection from deportation – even if they commit crimes, ranging from misdemeanors to murder.

“Sanctuary cities” is the term for cities, counties, or states that protect illegal aliens from deportation. Officials of such locales refuse to help federal agents identify and take into custody illegal aliens, including those that remain in the U.S. after their visa expires. The recent death of two women, who were murdered by illegal aliens sheltered in sanctuary cities, spotlighted the gravity of the situation.

On July 1st Kathryn Steinle was gunned-down as she and her dad walked side-by-side on the San Francisco pier. She was only 32 when she fell at her father’s side, looked up at him and said, “Help me, dad.” Those were her last words after being shot by an illegal alien criminal with seven felons on his rap sheet and five deportations from the United States. The sanctuary city of San Francisco had released him from jail, but ignored orders to notify federal officials that he was back on the street. Continue reading