February 23, 2018 Radio Commentary

Two Bills that Need to Pass

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, February 23, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Today’s topics are two bills: one about grade schools and the other about higher education. Senator Michael Williams’ S.B. 361 is about freedom of religious speech for students and faculty in public schools.  It starts with this quote from a 1969 U.S. Supreme Court decision, “[n]either students [n]or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”

Then, follows with this: “Private religious speech … is as fully protected under the Free Speech Clause as secular private expression.”

To support freedom of religious speech, S.B. 361 would require the following: “A local school system shall not discriminate against students or parents on the basis of a religious viewpoint or religious expression.”  Also, it provides a sample policy for schools to implement.  Ask Senator Tippins to pass S.B. 361 out of his committee or it will die.  His number is 404 657-0406.  Continue reading

February 2018 Newsletter

OPPOSE the ERA, It has Dire National Consequences

The ERA does not mention women; it does not put women in the U.S. Constitution. The ERA puts the word “sex” in the U.S. Constitution.

H.R. 969, introduced in the Georgia General Assembly January 29, 2018, is an attempt by Democrats to ratify a federal Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in Georgia. Almost 50 years after it was introduced in 1923, Congress passed ERA, a proposed constitutional amendment, in 1972. Since constitutional amendments must be ratified by three-fourths (38) of the 50 states, a seven-year time limit for ratification was attached to the proposal. At the end of seven years, only 35 states had ratified ERA, leaving them three states short of ratification. During a three-year time-limit extension, no other state ratified ERA and, thankfully, it failed.

ACTION – OPPOSE H.R. 969. Call House Judiciary Committee Representatives Willard, Ch., 404 656-5125; Fleming, V-Ch., 656-0152; Kelley, Sec., 657-1803; Beskin, 656-0254; Caldwell, 656-0152; Golick, 656-5943; Hanson, 656-0325; Powell, 656-5103; Rutledge, 656-0254; Welch, 656-5912; Nix 656-5146 (Ex officio). (These are the 9 Republicans on the 16-member committee.)

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.

November 24, 2017 Radio Commentary

Thank you, Heroes of Faith!

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, November 24, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Sometimes Thanksgiving comes and goes with not much thought about the wonderful gift of salvation provided by our Lord Jesus Christ when He died on the cross.  But let’s not let that happen this year. 

As I thank Him for paying for my sins with His blood, I am, also, thankful that so many Christians are standing in the gap for nation-wide religious liberty.  These heroes of faith include men and women whose refusal to compromise their faith resulted in untold personal hardship, economic loss, and undeserved repercussions in the workplace.

Most of you have heard of Jack Phillips, who owns Masterpiece Cakeshop, where he told two men he could provide other products for their wedding reception, but he could not do a wedding cake for them.  So, they sued him and two courts ruled against him.  Despite that, Mr. Phillips is still standing on his Christian beliefs, and Alliance Defending Freedom will represent him before the U.S. Supreme Court in early December.  The Trump administration filed a brief, urging the Supreme Court to rule in Mr. Phillips’ favor on free speech grounds.  Continue reading

November 3, 2017 Radio Commentary

Military Restricts Religious Freedom

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, November 3, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

The National Campaign to Stop the War on Religious Freedom in the Military is circulating a petition that should be signed by U.S. citizens who want to reverse the unconstitutional restrictions made during the Obama administration.

For example, the Pentagon launched a campaign to make it a crime for service members (including military Chaplains) to share their faith.

That campaign was counteracted on May 4 this year, when President Trump issued his Executive Order requiring all federal departments, including the Department of Defense, to “vigorously enforce” federal religious liberty laws, so Christians in the military are “free to practice their faith without fear of retaliation by the federal government.”

Although Christians face many problems in the military, we’ll consider only a few more:  In 2011, the Bible was banned from the premises of Walter Reed Military Medical Center, untila fierce public backlash forced them to put it back.  Continue reading