Health Care Vote Set

The “secret deal” Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) has worked on for weeks was just released Saturday morning, December 19th.

Weekend Action Absolutely Necessary!

The CLOTURE VOTE on the motion to end debate IS SET FOR
1 a.m. very late Sunday (12-20-09) night/very early Monday morning.
So, weekend calls are imperative!
If you wait until Monday morning when the sun rises, it will be too late!

Senator Nelson, reportedly, caved in and accepted watered down language on abortion-funding to give Reid the 60th vote needed to bring the health care fiasco closer to passage.

The bill continues to …
>Cost almost $1 trillion $871 billion, the CBO’s modest estimate that does not factor in the full ten years after it goes into effect,
>Cut Medicare by hundreds of billions of dollars,
>Raise and impose a vast array of new taxes on the American people,
>Allow for federal funding of abortion,
>Retain the CLASS Act (which the Democrat Chairman of the Budget Committee describes as nothing more than a “Ponzi Scheme”),
>Massively expand Medicaid, giving special treatment to a select few states so taxpayers in VA, AR, and OH will have to pay higher taxes to subsidize the Medicaid program of a favored few, such as NE, MA, and VT.

This cloture vote is the only vote that counts now. If they get 60 cloture votes, the bill will be a shoo-in to get the simple majority needed for final passage. There will be no conference committee. If this bill passes the Senate, Reid will take it to Nancy Pelosi and tell her to have the House vote on it now and do not allow any amendments. No one will have time to read it and no one will know what’s in it before they vote. If this goes as Reid and Pelosi plan, the health care bill will be on the president’s desk before the New Year.

Ask Senators Chambliss & Isakson
to VOTE NO on Health Care.
PLEASE CALL at least once this weekend
& share this alert!

Senator Saxby Chambliss, Toll-free in D.C., 1 877 851-6437 (Ask for his office.)
Savannah, 912 232-3657 Augusta, 706 738-0302 Macon, 478 741-1417
Atlanta, 770 763-9090 Moultrie, 229 985-2112 D.C.,202 224-3521

Senator Johnny Isakson, Toll-free in D.C., 1 877 851-6437 (Ask for his office.)
Atlanta, 770 661-0999 Washington, D.C., 202 224-3643


STOP Health Care for Illegal Aliens!

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season
we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Galatians 6:9

Senate health care bill (H.R. 3590) gives illegal aliens unrestricted access by:
The Public Option
Medicaid Subsidies
Health Insurance Exchange
Affordability Credits

Section 1411 lets illegal aliens enroll in Medicaid and Section 1311 requires the providing of information “in a manner that is culturally and linguistically appropriate to the needs of the population being served by the Exchange or Exchanges.” Section 1501 exempts illegal aliens from a mandate that fines U.S. citizens for not buying or having an “acceptable level” of insurance. Although illegal aliens may buy insurance, they won’t be fined if they don’t and can continue bankrupting hospitals by using emergency rooms as doctors’ offices.

ACTION – Call our senators twice (locally and in D.C.) Ask them to act on the following
amendments as indicated.

1. SUPPORT Sen. Jeff Sessions’ (R-AL) Amendment No. 3111 requiring a SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) system for in-person interviews and status-checks.

2. SUPPORT Sen. John Ensign’s (R-NV) Amendment No. 3016 to ensure that American citizens have the same choices for health care as illegal aliens get in the bill.

3. OPPOSE Amendment No. 2991 by four Democrat Senators – Menendez (NJ), Durbin (IL), Rockefeller (WV) and Bingaman (NM) repealing the long-standing 5-year waiting period for legal immigrants and residents before they can apply for health benefits.

4. FINALLY: OPPOSE H.R. 3590 every time it’s up for a vote. It cannot be fixed!

Senator Saxby Chambliss, Toll-free in D.C., 1 877 851-6437 (Ask for his office.)
Savannah    912 232-3657        FAX 912 233-0115
Augusta        706 738-0302        FAX 706 738-0901
Macon        478 741-1417        FAX 478 741-1437
Atlanta        770 763-9090        FAX 770 226-8633
Moultrie        229 985-2112        FAX 229 985-2123
Washington, D.C.        202 224-3521        FAX 202 224-0103

Senator Johnny Isakson, Toll-free in D.C., 1 877 851-6437 (Ask for his office.)
Atlanta        770 661-0999        FAX 770 661-0768
Washington, D.C.        202 224-3643        FAX 202 228-0724


Act NOW! Cloture Vote May be Saturday!

Senators Chambliss and Isakson must hear from Georgians with this message:
“You must VOTE NO on cloture!”
Because a YES vote on cloture moves the bill forward, a YES vote is a vote FOR government-run health care, including government-sanctioned euthanasia and single-payer, government-run health care.

On November 18, Senator Harry Reid attached the Senate’s 2,074-page health care bill to H.R. 3590 as an amendment.

H.R. 3590 must be defeated

It targets life at every stage – birth ’til death.
It sanctions euthanasia – government officials will make end-of-life decisions.
It is pro-abortion – abortion language is less strict than the House Stupak amendment.
Rationing of life-saving treatment will be implemented, especially for seniors.
It is anti-free enterprise – will squeeze out private medical insurance businesses.
It creates a monopoly – public option will be the only health coverage available.
Washington bureaucrats will make the most intimate health decisions for all Americans.

ACTION — Give this message to Senators Chambliss and Isakson:

Vote NO on cloture. Cloture is a motion to proceed with action on the bill.

D.C. toll-free number for both: 1 877 851-6437

Direct Lines to Their Offices:

Senator Saxby Chambliss
Georgia Offices toll-free 1 800 234-4208
Savannah   912 232-3657—FAX   912 233-0115
Augusta   706 738-0302—FAX   706 738-0901
Macon   478 741-1417—FAX   478 741-1437
Atlanta    770 763-9090—FAX   770 226-8633
Moultrie    229 985-2112—FAX   229 985-2123
Washington, D.C.   202 224-3521—FAX   202 224-0103

Senator Johnny Isakson
Atlanta   770 661-0999—FAX   770 661-0768
Washington, D.C.   202 224-3643—FAX   202 228-0724