June 2016 Newsletter

377-Page Rule Put HUD1 on Steroids
Q. Should a 41-year-old federal appointee
have power to decide who lives where

“This new regulation is designed to give unelected, anonymous bureaucrats in Washington the power to pick and choose who your new next-door neighbor will be. If they don’t believe your neighborhood is ‘diverse’ enough, they will seize control of local zoning decisions – choosing what should be built, where, and who should pay for it – in order to make your neighborhood look more like they want it to.”
–U. S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah)

U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) offered an amendment to defund an unconstitutional power-grab that allows the Department of Housing and Urban Development to become a National Zoning Board with authority to rewrite local zoning laws and land-use regulations in every city and town, and transform demographics of state legislative and congressional districts. Senator Lee’s amendment was tabled by a vote of 60 – 37. Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson was one of 162 Republican senators who voted NO. Those NO-votes kept the President’s plan alive.

The new rule authorizes HUD to re-engineer the composition of neighborhoods by race, ethnicity, and class. That means HUD could move low-income families into single-family neighborhoods or disperse low-income housing developments into any community anywhere, regardless of local zoning ordinances, actions of elected local officials, or community desires. Unless the plan is stopped, HUD will re-zone all U.S. neighborhoods to comply with federal government specifications developed and enforced by the executive branch of government.

It can be stopped! Senator Lee says the Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH) plan can be easily thwarted, IF local governments, simply, refuse to take federal grants. Local officials who accept AFFH grants must agree to relinquish their power to control zoning policies. Meaning, the plan is contingent on successfully bribing local officials into compliance.

Senator Lee explained how AFFH works. Cities and towns must audit their local housing policies under close supervision of HUD regulators. Communities that fail to meet HUD’s new definition of “fair housing” must submit a community reorganization plan to comply with HUD.

Not only will HUD direct local governments and public housing authorities to make specific changes to zoning policies, HUD will require local officials to adopt HUD’s preferred housing policies or lose their traditional Community Development Block Grant for community needs.

Current Status. The U.S. House passed Rep. Paul Gosar’s (R-AZ) amendment to defund AFFH and attached it to the FY 2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. Now the Senate must do likewise and pass Senator Lee’s amendment that was tabled in May. All senators in footnote 2 must be asked to vote YES.

ACTION – Call Senator Johnny Isakson, 1-877-762-8762 or 770-661-0999, and ask him to support Lee’s amendment.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.

June 24, 2016 Radio Commentary

Women in Foxholes

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, June 24, 2016 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Three years ago, a decree came down from the administration that gave the military until January 2016 to integrate women into all combat jobs, but that decree also authorized branches of the military to ask for specific exemptions. Acting on that decree, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced on December 3rd that the Pentagon would open all combat jobs to women.

That was not good news to General Joseph Dunford, Jr., who is a former Marine Corps commandant and current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He skipped the Defense Secretary’s announcement ceremony, but said, “I have had the opportunity to provide my advice on the issue of full integration of women into the armed forces. In the wake of the secretary’s decision, my responsibility is to ensure his decision is properly implemented.” In other words, he will do his job.

Since the decree had an opt-out provision, the Marine Corps learned through studying its units that all-male units had much lower injury rates and higher overall performance than co-ed units. So, the Marines asked permission to exempt females from infantry and armor positions. However, Defense Secretary Carter did not honor the opt-out provision, overruled the Marines, and mandated that the military operate under a common set of standards. Continue reading

June 17, 2016 Radio Commentary

The General Got Fired … for Five Hours

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, June 17, 2016 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Some time in your life, you’ve probably said: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me.” Maybe, they shouldn’t, but they do, especially in this day and age.

Case in point is Lt. General Jerry Boykin, who was President Bush’s Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. He was in the Army for 36 years, and 13 of those years he served on Delta Force counter-terrorist missions, including the Iran hostage rescue attempt, the hunt for Pablo Escobar in Colombia, and Black Hawk Down in Mogadishu.

General Boykin is a born-again Christian and, to get to my point, I’ll fast-forward to 2007 when he retired from the Army and took a teaching job at Hampden-Sydney College, one of two all-men’s colleges left in the U.S. He’s taught there for nine years, and has been Executive Vice President of Family Research Council since 2012.

The General, who is a seasoned successful warrior on the battlefield, just emerged as a target in the culture war about sex, gender and who uses which restroom. In his speech to conservatives in March, the General jokingly said, “The first man who goes into the restroom with my daughter will not have to worry about surgery!” Continue reading

June 10, 2016 Radio Commentary

The Battle for Privacy

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, June 10, 2016 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

The bathroom issue is far from over, but, thankfully, Georgia School Superintendent Richard Woods assured local superintendents he “has their backs.” Referring to a joint letter to schools nation-wide from the U.S. Department of Education and Department of Justice, Superintendent Woods said this:

“We at the Georgia Department of Education believe the [letter] openly violates, misinterprets and moves to rewrite established U.S. law … [Therefore] you are not required to comply … or make changes to your established actions and policies.”

Then, he said, “However, if the federal government DOES decide to withhold federal funds, ENFORCE this directive, or bring suit against ANY district in Georgia … we will work with all parties to take appropriate action. …I do not believe a student of another gender should use a restroom or locker room alongside students of the opposite sex.” Continue reading