March 24, 2017 Radio Commentary

Victories on Cross-Over Day

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, March 24, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

When the 2017 session began, the House and Senate changed Cross-over Day from the 30thlegislative day to Day 28. That means, legislation must be half-way through the process by the end of Cross-over Day, or it won’t pass this session. At the end of Cross-over Day last Friday, conservatives could claim at least 19 victories, since 19 bills we oppose won’t pass this session, unless they’re attached to another bill that’s poised to pass.

Among those 19 bills that died in committee are six alternate lifestyle bills. Such as H.B. 16, the “bully bill,” that requires extra protection for students claiming variant sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Gender expression includes, but is not limited to, the spoken word, the type of clothing, and affected mannerisms. H.B. 16 allows students to be charged with bullying if they, simply, express a negative opinion about lifestyle.

S.B. 119 gives Civil Rights status based on sexual orientation and gender identity as they apply to rental property or public accommodations in public facilities. The only exception in the renting of property is the exemption of any five-room home that’s occupied by the owner or proprietor. In a home bigger than five rooms, lifestyle screening for tenants would not be allowed.

S.B. 145 would have repealed the aggravated sodomy law in eight Code sections as they apply to gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation. That repeal would eliminate the aggravated sodomy penalty for childhood sexual abuse. Continue reading

March 17, 2017 Radio Commentary

Stop S.R. 195

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, March 17, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

S.R. 195 urging Congress to call a constitutional convention is an extremely dangerous bill that must be stopped. If two-thirds of the 50 states enact similar resolutions and Congress convenes a convention, the entire Constitution would be in jeopardy.

ACTION: Call 404 656-5020 and ask House Speaker Ralston to keep S.R. 195 off the House floor; Call 636-5141 and ask Rules Chairman Meadows to keep S.R. 195 in his committee. Ask the following to withdraw support from S.R. 195: Representatives Brockway 656-0188; Barr, 656-0325; Cantrell, 656-0152; Clark, 656-0298; and Hilton, 656-0202.

Talking points: A convention could write its own rules and set its own agenda, which could be influenced by powerful special interest groups. Delegates could change the ratification process, and nobody, including the Courts, has clear authority over the convention once it begins.

Article V does not restrict a convention to only one issue. A two-thirds vote, that’s required in Congress, is not required of convention delegates. Article V does not require delegates to be U.S. citizens or citizens of a state in the United States. Article V does not say who will preside, or what rules will be followed. If Congress can’t limit a convention, states can’t limit it either. Continue reading

March 10, 2017 Radio Commentary

Marijuana Bills Alive in Georgia: The Hemp Connection

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, March 10, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Four marijuana bills were introduced this session. S.B. 16 to lower the THC level of marijuana to three percent and add autism to the treatment list passed the Senate 41-12 February 16th and is in the House. H.B. 65 passed the House 156-6 March 1st and is in the Senate.

H.B. 65 weakens the current THC Oil Patient Registry law by (a) deleting the one-year state residency requirement; (b) deleting physicians’ reports on dosage, clinical and treatment response, and side effects; and (c) building demand for medical marijuana (d) by adding eight more eligible diseases, making a total of 16 conditions eligible for treatment.

H.R. 36 is a proposed constitutional amendment authorizing medical cannabis (marijuana) and in-state cultivation and sale of marijuana. As a constitutional amendment, two-thirds vote is required in both House and Senate; and, if they pass it, it would be on the November 2018 ballot for ratification. Therefore, proponents may linger until next session to get it passed. Continue reading

March 3, 2017 Radio Commentary

Skewing the Culture via Education

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, March 3, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

This year the culture changers got a head-start when H.B. 16 was pre-filed and, officially, introduced February 2nd. H.B. 16 is a repeat of last year’s bill about bullying in schools. Georgia’s current law against bullying in school applies to all students equally; it does not categorize students; and its standard penalties are administered to violators, regardless of their personal identity.

H.B. 16 changes the focus of the bullying law by classifying students according to their actual or perceived sexual orientation by inserting a laundry list of alternate lifestyles – gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

Since sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression include lifestyles that some people may or may not agree with, there’s a real possibility that negative comments about certain behaviors may be uttered by students K – 12.

This is what the bill says on lines 237 and 238: “Nothing in this Code section is intended to interfere with the First Amendment rights of free speech and expression of any person affected.” Continue reading