September 22, 2017 Radio Commentary

Meet Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson, the New Healthcare Bill

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, September 22, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Three days ago, former Senator Rick Santorum reported that Senators Graham, Cassidy, Heller, and Johnson had introduced a new healthcare bill, H.R. 1628.  Louisiana Senator Cassidy’s website outlines bare-bones specifics of the 140-page bill, which ends with this on the last page: Section 1402 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is repealed, beginning for plan years after December 31, 2019.

H.R. 1628 does not eliminate Obamacare, but proposes a repeal of the structure and architecture of Obamacare and replaces it with annual block grants to states.  The grants would be administered through the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which is Medicaid for minors.

Senator Cassidy further explains that H.R. 1628 does repeal Obamacare’s Individual and Employer Mandates and the Medical Device Tax, and the distribution of equalized block grants to states allows states to provide equitable treatment to patients and waive Obamacare regulations whether or not the state expanded Medicaid.  Last but not least, patients with pre-existing medical conditions will be protected, as well. Continue reading

September 15, 2017 Radio Commentary

Needed: A No-Forced-Chipping Law

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, September 15, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Since microchips are here to stay, here’s a little history.  In 1997 four inventors got a patent for a “personal tracking and recovery system” that was, actually, an implantable microchip that functioned for years without maintenance.  In 1998 Professor Kevin Warwick became the first human to have an under-skin microchip implant, which he used as a research project in “intelligent” buildings where he opened doors without a smart card and turned on lights by entering a room.  After having the implant in his hand for nine days, he decided future implants should be placed nearer the brain – into the spinal cord or onto the optic nerve, for more power to send and receive sensory signals.

In 2002 a Canadian artist implanted her hands with microchips from a veterinary clinic.  Two years later, a Minnesota corporation got an FDA approval and classification for a miniature, implantable microchip to be inserted in a human’s arm under the skin.  The VeriChip brand of microchips stores a patient’s unique ID number that medical personnel may use to locate the patient’s file.

So, VeriChip became a by-prescription-only Class II medical device for use in humans, as did generic devices that operate the same way.  That classification authorized immediate marketing of VeriChip and generic equivalents for under-skin implantation in humans. Continue reading

September 8, 2017 Radio Commentary

“Afraid she’ll turn into a boy!”

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, September 8, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

It’s amazing that intelligent people claim sex is “assigned at birth,” although it’s an anatomical fact predetermined at conception.  But if someone COULD assign sex to newborns, who qualifies to decide who’ll be male or female?  Is a baby without sexual identity until a doctor or nurse or midwife, miraculously, installs male or female organs? Would a frantic father who delivers his child in an emergency qualify to “assign” the child’s sex?

These are outlandish questions, but it’s an outlandish situation when someone declares the impossible to be possible, and promotes impossibility as truth to confuse very young children, who could be damaged forever.  Although God wired males and females with uniquely different DNA that cannot be changed, that truth is being denied.  On August 22nd, reported a disturbing trend that’s emerging across the country.

Two days before the June summer break, a California kindergarten teacher in Rocklin Academy Gateway charter school explained “transgenderism” to children as young as four years old.  The plan was hatched by the teacher and parents of a student in her class.  The teacher carried out their plan: She would read aloud two books suggested by the parents of a five-year-old male student, whom she would introduce to the class on that day because it was the day his parents planned to change his name and start presenting him as a girl.  After she introduced him, he went to the bathroom and came back dressed as a girl, as planned. Continue reading

August 2017 Newsletter

A Pardon, A Directive, A N.J. School Law, A Transgender Doll

A Pardon: After former Sheriff of Arizona, Joe Arpaio, was pardoned, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) warned that requiring U.S. officers to enforce immigration law puts them at “risk of being found guilty of significant legal violations.” The charge against Sheriff Arpaio was racial profiling while enforcing immigration law.

That was the issue in December 2011 when a U.S. District Judge ordered Sheriff Arpaio and his deputies to stop detaining Latino drivers suspected of being illegal aliens. When the sheriff continued his strategy another 18 months, he was charged with civil contempt. Almost six years later on July 31, 2017 he was found guilty and, at age 85, he faced six months in jail. His sentencing was scheduled for October 5th, but President Trump pardoned him August 25, 2017.

A Directive: In a directive on the same day, President Trump banned transgender individuals from military service. Section 1 of the directive explains the last president’s June 2016 reversal of military policy. That reversal authorized transgender individuals to join and serve openly in the military, where they would receive unlimited healthcare, such as sex-reassignment surgery and hormone therapy. For transgenders already enlisted, the directive cancelled military-funded sex reassignment surgery, unless interruption of treatment would be harmful to the patient.

Full implementation is set to begin 2018, under a plan the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Homeland Security will develop. It must (a) uphold military effectiveness and deadly force, (b) work within the budget, (c) adhere to law, and (d) address enlisted transgender personnel issues.

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