November 3, 2017 Radio Commentary

Military Restricts Religious Freedom

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, November 3, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

The National Campaign to Stop the War on Religious Freedom in the Military is circulating a petition that should be signed by U.S. citizens who want to reverse the unconstitutional restrictions made during the Obama administration.

For example, the Pentagon launched a campaign to make it a crime for service members (including military Chaplains) to share their faith.

That campaign was counteracted on May 4 this year, when President Trump issued his Executive Order requiring all federal departments, including the Department of Defense, to “vigorously enforce” federal religious liberty laws, so Christians in the military are “free to practice their faith without fear of retaliation by the federal government.”

Although Christians face many problems in the military, we’ll consider only a few more:  In 2011, the Bible was banned from the premises of Walter Reed Military Medical Center, untila fierce public backlash forced them to put it back.  Continue reading

October 2017 Newsletter

Women in Combat Deemed “Job Opportunities”

“They’ll be allowed to drive tanks, fire mortars, and lead infantry soldiers into combat. They’ll be able to serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps infantry, Air Force parajumpers, and everything else that was previously open only to men.” –Department of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, April 2016

Although Marine Corps officials asked former Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to keep women out of positions such as infantry, machine gunner, and fire support, the request was denied. Mr. Carter declared that the rule placing women in combat would “apply without exception.”

Background. The Women’s Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 excluded women from combat. In 2012, during the Obama administration, Pentagon policies were changed to allow women to serve in 14,000 military positions formerly restricted to men, leaving 238,000 men-only positions. Soon, women were admitted to Navy submarines and the Army Ranger School which graduated three women in 2015 – two in August and a third several weeks later.

Also in 2012, three years after a group of servicewomen sued the Pentagon, then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced a subsequent rule, that “just happened” to come two months after the suit was filed, and “just happened” to allow women to serve in combat.

By January 24, 2013 the Combat Exclusion Policy was lifted, as recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in that Administration. To avoid the term “women in combat,” the Pentagon ordered all services to admit women into all jobs by January 2016. Also that date was the deadline for all military services to change to gender-neutral physical tests and adopt a policy that requires men and women (without exception) to serve in front line combat and complete combat operations. Therefore, front-line combat positions became co-ed and mandatory.

Under current military policy, both men and women deemed fit for combat are eligible for assignment to front line combat positions, the Pentagon calls “job opportunities” for women.

In April 2016 the U.S. Army announced the first 22 women to become infantry and amour second lieutenants in charge of units of 40 troops. Also in April 2016, of the 29 women who tried to complete the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course, all 29 of them failed.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.

October 27, 2017 Radio Commentary

Down the Slick Slope

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, October 27, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

On October 5th California’s Governor Brown signed an “LGBT Senior Bill of Rights,” that slaps a $1,000 fine and a year in prison on anyone failing to use the “preferred gender pronoun” of seniors in nursing homes.  While not using preferred pronouns for senior citizens in California could mean a year in prison, the penalty for infecting another person in California with HIV has dwindled to six months.  Does that mean California, finally, acknowledges the obvious connection between those two situations?

The California law is a frontal attack on the freedoms of speech and religious expression BECAUSE sexual morality is defined in the Bible.  The California gag order flies in the face of the Constitution that deals with fact, not preferential pronouns.  People with different opinions are forced to keep their mouths shut or use lip-service to affirm biologically false sexual identity.

The California senator who authored the “LGBT Senior Bill of Rights” said “religious views don’t hold weight in public areas, [and added] …The LGBT Senior Bill of Rights is an important step in the fight to ensure all people are treated equally regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”  Please note that his bill is only a STEP toward forcing everyone to use “preferred pronouns” for sexual identity, regardless of fact or age or circumstance. Continue reading

October 20, 2017 Radio Commentary

Q. Do you want freedom to worship or religious freedom?

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, October 20, 2017 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Today, I have a question: Do you want freedom to worship or freedom of religion?  If you said “freedom to worship,” you might be surprised that politically correct advocates would agree with you, because worship suggests a place where people gather in reverence to a chosen deity.

Since I brought up “politically correct,” I’ll quote Webster’s New World College Dictionary definition of it: “Politically correct means conforming or adhering to what is regarded as orthodox liberal opinion on matters of sexuality, race, etc.”  So, political correctness is used to eliminate conservative thought and action.

However, the term “politically correct” cannot be fully understood unless we realize that political, actually, refers to government, the state, or politics, which leads us to this conclusion: The pressure to be politically correct in all dealings with God, family and country, actually, is pushing everyone to confine religious expression to the inside of churches.  But when we’re not in church, we are expected to walk and talk in lockstep with liberal/radical attitudes about God and everything else. Continue reading