February 4th Newsletter

Smart Meters, Radiation and Sky-Rocketing Power Bills!

Dangerous Digital Meters Covertly Replacing Analog Meters

Who waived the Environmental Impact Study on Smart Meters in California, when the peak density of smart meters is 2,000 times higher than minimal federal health standards?
Editor’s Request: Bring back my “dumb” meter and do it NOW!

Smart meters have radio frequency (RF) features that remotely read and control power use, making “meter men” obsolete. Smart meters, also, have the capacity to monitor, regulate and ration when electricity is used, which household appliances do or do not receive power and the length of a shut-down, without consumer permission, knowledge or warning from the utility.

State of Georgia. While 21 states have authorized their state utility commission to install smart meters, the NCSL reports that Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Indiana have “no clear authority” to do so. However, each of them began transitioning from analog meters to smart meters in 2008 – the year Georgia Power began switching to smart meters for 400,000 utility customers and continuing such installations throughout Georgia over the next three years, ending in 2011.

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