Having a Hard Time Deciding Which
Candidates to Support?
Party Platform Comparisons, A Decision-Making Tool
In a Nutshell
“If you want life, traditional marriage and the right to bear arms, then vote Republican. If you want partial birth-abortion, abortion on demand, same-sex marriage and gun control, then vote Democrat!”
U.D. Roberts, Brentwood News Service
Party platforms reveal how political parties expect their candidates to vote after they’re elected. The following provides platform positions of Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians.
Right to Life
Republican Platform: includes a pro-life agenda. “[T]he unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment … we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children. Our purpose is to have legislation and judicial protection of that right against those who perform abortions…. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life…. We oppose abortion, but our pro-life agenda does not include punitive action against women who have an abortion.”
Democrat Platform: pro-abortion. “The Democratic Party stands behind the right of every woman to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of ability to pay…. [I]t is a fundamental constitutional liberty that individual Americans – not government – can best take responsibility for making the most difficult and intensely personal decisions regarding reproduction … will appoint justices to the Supreme Court who have a demonstrated concern for and commitment to the individual rights protected by our Constitution, including the right to privacy.”
Libertarian Platform: pro-abortion. “We oppose all laws likely to impose restrictions on free choice…. [W]e believe the government should … [allow] all individuals to be guided by their own consciences. We oppose legislation restricting or subsidizing women’s access to abortion or other reproductive health services; this includes requiring consent of the prospective father, waiting periods, and mandatory indoctrination on fetal development.”
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