June 2022 Newsletter

What is a Woman?

“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him;
male and female created He them.”
– The Holy Bible, KJV, Genesis 1:27
“And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman,
and brought her to the man.
– The Holy Bible, KJV, Genesis 2:22
“Woman. An adult female human being. God‟s gift.”
“Female. One of the sex that bears offspring. State v. Hemm, 82 Iowa 609 47 NW 971.”
– Ballentine’s Law Dictionary
“Woman. 1 (a) An adult female person.”
“Female. 1 (a) of, relating to, or being the sex that bears young or produces eggs.”
– Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition

Whether the source of information is the Holy Bible or Ballentine’s Law Dictionary or Merriam Webster‟s Collegiate Dictionary, each defines woman as a female. Mr. Ballentine added that the woman was God‟s gift, and defines female as “the sex that bears offspring.”

While these definitions are indisputable for those searching for TRUTH, true definitions are currently cast aside to accommodate allegations that human males may choose to be females and human females may choose to be males, despite biological sexual identity.

When Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson responded to Senator Marsha Blackburn‟s request to define “woman,” Judge Jackson responded, “I‟m not a biologist.” Subsequently, resolutions clarifying the definitions of sex have been introduced in Congress.

S. RES. 644, “Women‟s Bill of Rights to reaffirm legal protections afforded to women under Federal law,” was introduced May 19, 2022 by Senators Hyde-Smith, Lummis and Cruz.
H. RES. 1136, “Women‟s Bill of Rights to reaffirm legal protections afforded to women under Federal law, ” was introduced May 19, 2022, by U.S. Representatives Lesko, Banks, Miller, Harshbarger, Tenney, Hartzler, Lamborn, Jackson, LaMalfa, Spartz, Norman and Moore.

Both resolutions have six “Whereas” statements, number six of which states: “Whereas recent misguided court rulings relating to the definition of „sex‟ have led to the endangerment of spaces and resources dedicated to women, thereby necessitating clarification of certain terms.”

For the purpose of Federal law, both resolutions state:

  • The sex of an individual means his or her biological sex (either male or female) at birth.
  • The terms woman and girl refer to human females; the terms man and boy refer to human males; the word mother means a female parent and the word father means a male parent.
  • State and local government must collect or report data based on biological sex at birth.

ACTION – Support. Call 1 877 762-8762 and ask to speak with your congressman. District Number 1 Earl Carter; 2 Sanford Bishop; 3 Drew Ferguson; 4 Hank Johnson; 5 Nikema Williams; 6 Lucy McBath; 7 Carolyn Bourdeaux; 8 Austin Scott; 9 Andrew Clyde; 10 Jody Hice; 11 Barry Loudermilk; 12 Rick Allen; 13 David Scott; and 14 Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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