March 2021 Newsletter – Extra Edition

National Danger! H.R. 5 Equality Act in Congress

Redefines Sex to include Preferences, No Exception for Religious Beliefs
“The Religious Freedom Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq.) shall not provide a claim concerning, or a defense to a claim under, a covered title, or provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title.”
– H.R. 5, pp. 21-22

H.R. 5 Equality Act, introduced February 18, 2021 by Representative David Cicilline (D-RI), was introduced previously in 2015. H.R. 5 amends seven titles (II, III, IV, VI, VII, IX, XI) of the Civil Rights Act, in addition to these Acts: Government Employee Rights, Congressional Accountability, Civil Services Reform, Fair Housing, Equal Credit Opportunity, and jury laws.

Each Act would be amended by inserting “(including sexual orientation and gender identity)” after “sex,” wherever it appears. H.R. 5 passed the U.S. House 224-206 on February 25, 2021 with 3 Republicans voting YES. Two representatives abstained.

No Religious Exemption
“The Religious Freedom Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq.) shall not provide a claim concerning, or a defense to a claim under, a covered title, or provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title.” (H.R. 5, pp. 21-22)
H.R. 5 unconstitutionally prohibits adherence to Bible doctrine and biological fact in federally funded entities. Church and religious entity 501C3 exemption may be deemed federal support. Foster care and adoption agencies could not use religious beliefs to determine child placement. Sex-specific facilities would have to co-mingle men and women. No one could use faith in business dealings, “preferred pronouns” would be mandated, and refusing to use preferred ID could be punishable violations.

ACTION – Oppose. Ask Georgia’s U.S. Senators to vote NO. Senator Jon Osoff, 202 224-3521 and Senator Raphael Warnock, 202 224-3643 or call both toll-free in D.C. at 1 877 762-8762.

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