March 2019 Newsletter – 1

What Happens If Common Sense Takes a Holiday?
I. Voting Age May be Lowered, H.R. 345
II. Marriage Age May be Raised, H.B. 228
III. Marijuana May be Grown/Sold In-state, H.B. 324
IV. Hemp Marijuana May be Grown/Sold In-stateH.B. 213

I. H.R. 345 Lower Voting Age, introduced February 25, 2019 by Representative El-Mahdi Holly, is a proposed constitutional amendment to authorize U.S. citizens who reside in Georgia to vote at age 17, instead of 18. Therefore, most high school seniors could vote, along with school 17-year-old drop-outs. If H.R. 345 passes the General Assembly, voters would decide the issue in the 2020 General Election.
ACTION – Oppose H.R. 345. Call Governmental Affairs Committee Representatives Rynders, Ch., 404 656-6801; Jones, V-Ch., 656-0213; Blackmon, Sec., 463-7853; Burnough, 656-0116; Collins, 656-1803; Gravley, 463-8143; Gullett, 656-0177; Lumsden, 656-5087; Nguyen, 656-0314; Oliver, 656-0265; Powell, Alan, 463-3793; Powell, Jay, 656-5141; Shannon, 656-7859; Taylor, 656-0109; Trammell, 656-5058; Turner, 656-0152; Williams, M., 656-0287; Williams, R., 656-0287; Williamson, 656-5024; Fleming, 656-5125.

II. H.B. 228 Marriage Age: Increase from 16 to 17, that was introduced February 12th by Representative Andrew Welch, removes parental consent for emancipated minors who have completed premarital education, provided neither prospective spouse is more than four years older than the other. Sexually active minors are considered emancipated in the state of Georgia. Would that presumption be deemed sufficient for this purpose? If H.B. 228 passes, persons under age 17 could not get married, although they are sexually active.
ACTION – Oppose H.B. 228. Call Juvenile Justice Committee Representatives Ballinger, Ch., 404 656-7153; Dubnik, V-Ch., 656-0213; Collins, J, Sec., 656-1803; Blackmon, 463-7853; Cantrell, 656-0152; Clark, 656-0298; Dickerson, 656-0314; Efstration, 656-5105; Gravley, 463-8143; Gullett, 656-0177; Holcomb, 656-6372; Howard, 656-6372; Hutchinson, 656-0287; Jones, S., 656-0126; Kendrick, 656-0109; Lott, 651-7737; Oliver, 656-0265; Reeves, 651-7737; Sharper, 656-0126; Thomas, 656-7859; Welch, 656-5912; Werkheiser, 463-7857; Wilkerson, 656-0116.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.