A Guide to the Georgia General Primary/Nonpartisan Election – May 22, 2018

There will be three types of ballots:
a. Republican and Nonpartisan Primary Ballot.
b. Democratic and Nonpartisan Primary Ballot.
c. Nonpartisan Primary Ballot – does not contain Gubernatorial, U.S. Congress or State Legislative candidates.

Asking for a Republican or Democratic ballot does not indicate you are a card-carrying member of either party. The Republican and Democratic ballots both contain the Nonpartisan candidates. The type of ballot you select May 22nd or earlier if you advanced vote will determine the type of ballot you must use in the event of a runoff on July 24th. For example, if you use a Democratic ballot on May 22nd then you cannot use a Republican ballot to vote in the Republican runoff, if there is one. If you select a Nonpartisan ballot on May 22nd or did not vote on May 22nd then you are free to vote in the runoff and select Republican or Democratic ballot.

Click here to view Georgia Insight’s list of candidates.  It is worth the read!