Good Bills to Support in 2018
S.R. 587, Declare English Georgia’s Official Language by Senator Josh McKoon
S.R. 613, Declare English Georgia’s Official Language by Senator David Shafer
Both bills propose a constitutional amendment to declare in the Constitution of the State of Georgia that English is this state’s official language as specified in a 1996 Georgia law. Meaning, if passed, English must always be the language used in any official state action which binds or commits Georgia or gives the appearance of presenting official state views. Since 1996 that has been a legal requirement, but it has not been reflected in the State Constitution.
Three critical reasons for declaring English the state official language emerged during the S.B. 519 debate 22 years ago. Those statements are even more relevant in this effort to memorialize the law in the Constitution of the State of Georgia. Those reasons are as follows:
(a) If society is to thrive and communicate at an “optimum level,” we must speak a common language.
(b) Society is recognizing so many cultures that few common interests remain.
(c) Language is the easiest interest to keep in common.
ACTION – SUPPORT S.R. 587 and S.R. 613. Call Rules Committee Senators Mullis, Ch., 404 656-0057; Hill, V-Ch., 656-5038; Millar, Sec., 463-2260; Albers, 463-8055; Butler, 656-0075; Cowsert, 463-1366; Gooch, 656-9221; Henson, 656-0085; Kennedy, 656-0045; Miller,656-6578; Shafer, 656-0048; Tate, 463-8053; Thompson, 463-1318; Tippins, 657-0406; Unterman, 463-1368, and Wilkinson, 656-5257.
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