Humanism: Its Radical Effect on Faith and Government
“Humanism is the denial of God, and the total affirmation of man. …
Humanism is really nothing else but Marxism.” — Karl Marx
“It is a mistake to regard the assault on life and the family as an isolated phenomenon. Rather, that assault arises from the imperatives of an anti-God religion. This religion is Secular Humanism, which shares a common materialism with Marxism. According to this secular religion, one cannot affirm that man is immortal or that he has any significance greater than a chimpanzee. Secular Humanism is now the official religion of this nation. One of its principal objectives is the re-education of the American people so that they will never know or will forget the nature and the Author of Life.”
— Charles E. Rice, Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School, Statement in 1977
In 1961 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that humanism is a religion (Torcaso v. Watkins). Then, in 1978 the Georgia Court of Appeals ruled that humanism is a religion (Spillers v. State). To answer a 1982 inquiry, Georgia Attorney General Michael Bowers issued Opinion No. U82-16, that says: “A humanist counselor of the American Humanist Association may lawfully perform a marriage ceremony in the State of Georgia and execute the return of the marriage license.”
During years of intensive research, Claire Chambers uncovered an underground movement of over-lapping membership. The details published in 1977 in his 506-page The SIECUS Circle: A Humanist Revolution revealed that a massive covert humanist network of organizations and individuals was dedicated to transforming America into a secular, collectivist state. “Secular,” i.e. unspiritual and “collectivist state,” i.e. a socialist government, rightly described their goal to displace God and establish socialism in the U.S. That double threat required a double defense – protect religious freedom and capitalism – against a well-oiled subversive strategy of elitists.
But, by the time humanists were exposed, they had successfully restricted Christianity in public education. In 1962 the Supreme Court ruled prayer in public schools unconstitutional and in 1963 Bible reading in public schools got the same treatment. After careful consideration of the unconstitutional silencing of Christianity, the SIECUS Circle publisher concluded:
“A Madalyn Murray O’Hair would have been powerless to remove prayer and Bible reading from the government schools if the Supreme Court of the United States had not drunk deeply at the humanist fountain. A creche would still be a part of the national and official observance of Christmas if the federal judiciary had not believed the humanist perversion of history which holds that America was founded not as a Christian state but as a secular state.”
However, the humanist aggression against God and the U.S. government had precluded, by many years, the success of self-proclaimed humanist O’Hair. As early as 1930, a publication entitled Humanism, A New Religion by Charles Francis Potter, made this stunning statement:
“Education is thus a most powerful ally of Humanism, and every American public school is a school of Humanism. What can the theistic Sunday Schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?”
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