September 10th Radio Commentary

(a) EO Gives Same-Sex Benefits,
(b) Hillary Promotes Homosexuality

Radio Commentary, WMVV 90.7 New Life FM, September 10, 2010
By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Good morning, Jim. We’ve all come to understand the awesome power U.S. Presidents and State Governors use when they issue executive orders that have the force of law. When I asked a well-known attorney whether the power of executive orders is limited, after a brief thoughtful moment, the answer was, “No, not to my knowledge.” So, all too often we’re hamstrung by executive orders that fundamentally change the moral foundation of life in these United States.

Six months after his inauguration, while proponents of alternate lifestyles were celebrating June 2009 as their annual gay pride month, President Obama chose June 17, 2009 to issue an executive order granting same-sex partner benefits to federal employees. Meaning, same-sex partners of civil service workers were added to long-term care programs and were, specifically, permitted to take sick leave to care for domestic partners and their children. Although the order bestowed the same benefits on same-sex partners of Foreign Service employees on housing allocations and medical evacuations, he could not give them full health coverage. That takes an act of Congress.

But that’s not all. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also, chose a day in the month of June, the annual lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) pride month, to announce the State Department’s new policy guidelines for passports for transgenders. So, beginning June 10, 2010, (a) passport applicants who have undergone clinical treatment for gender transition will no longer be identified on passports by their natural sex assignment, but by the alternate sexual identity provided by surgery. Or, (b) if they have not undergone sex change surgery but, also, claim transgender status, Secretary of State Clinton announced another authorized government form for use by passport applicants who want to indicate their non-surgical transgender identity.

Two weeks after Secretary Clinton made that announcement, in a speech to State Department employees, she continued promoting June as gay pride month. In that speech, she encouraged them to let teenagers know the department thinks homosexuality is okay. I, personally, would like to know (a) how many previous Secretaries of State promoted teenage homosexuality to State Department employees, (b) when did teen lifestyle preferences become a priority of the Department of State and (c) which parents authorized Secretary Clinton to announce to children that practicing homosexuality is okay. Has Secretary Clinton assumed the role of “Big Mama” to America’s children? If she has, she didn’t ask my permission!

But, sad to say, that message is not unique to Hillary. It was used in Massachusetts at the “Youth Pride” celebration May 8, 2010, as the transgender/cross-dressing movement invited schoolchildren in New England to attend the Trans Youth Summit on June 19th in Boston.

When you vote, remember that Hillary’s party platform supports sex-choice – in acts, alternate lifestyles and sex-change identity. The Republican Party platform reflects natural identity. Need I say more? For Georgia Insight I’m Sue Ella Deadwyler, your Capitol correspondent.