November 20th Radio Commentary

What Happens When Atheists Are In Charge?

Radio Commentary, WMVV 90.7 New Life FM, November 20, 2009
By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Good morning, Jim. Have you ever wondered what America would be like if all Christian influence were gone? Well, a plan’s been in the works for many, many years and its goal is to erase Christianity and the remembrance of Jesus Christ from the universe. The plan is outlined in religious documents of the American Humanist Association. And by the way, humanism is a religion – an atheistic religion – that blatantly rejects God in its first doctrine and has published an all-encompassing plan to usher in a global government made in the humanist image.

So, what would happen if atheists took over the United States? God would be banned. Religion and prayer would be vilified. The Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence would be worthless, as would our state constitutions and most laws. Nothing would be right and nothing would be wrong. Situation ethics would be the order of the land and emotion and feelings would replace the rule of law and influence judicial decisions.

Nothing would be sinful. Everyone could cohabit anywhere, anytime with anyone and marriage would be ridiculed as unnecessary. Family would be redefined as any combination of people and/or animals. All could freely choose deviant acts, alternate lifestyles and same-sex unions. Minor children would have equal decision-making authority and power with their parents and other adults everywhere – at home, at school, in clubs, sexual activity and the use of money.

There would be no difference between the sacred and the secular, since atheists don’t believe in God. They believe man is his own god. But, obviously, atheists aren’t in control … yet! On November 3rd Maine became the 31st state to reject same-sex marriage. A state law that passed in Maine last spring legalized gay marriages, but this month by a 53 percent vote that law was overturned. That tremendous victory surprised homosexual activists. It occurred despite the fact that Maine’s governor, legislative leaders and major newspapers support gay marriage. You’ll be glad to know that no state has legalized gay marriage when voters make the decision. It was courts that legalized same-sex marriage in all five states — Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Iowa — that allow same-sex marriage in this country.

When I consider what happens when atheists are in charge, I clearly understand why Christians should be involved in politics. For Georgia Insight I’m Sue Ella Deadwyler, your Capitol correspondent.