June 15, 2018 Radio Commentary

Choose: Stand or Acquiesce

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, June 15, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

On May 11th Lambda Legal subpoenaed Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and National Day of Prayer Task Force President Dr. Ronnie Floyd in a lawsuit filed last August against the Trump administration’s transgender military ban. They were targeted for participating in the Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, that was established by President Trump to provide his administration with data and counsel on various Christian concerns and issues.

Liberty Counsel challenged the Perkins subpoena in a May 29th letter explaining that the documents they want include information protected under the First Amendment Freedom of Association, Freedom of Speech, and the right to Petition the Government, stipulating that such demands violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

The subpoenaed items include, “All Documents and Communications from the relevant period between You and President Trump, the Executive Office of the President, the Trump Campaign, Vice President Pence, the Office of the Vice President, or the Department of Defense, concerning military service by transgender people, public policy regarding transgender people, medical treatment for transgender people, and/or transgender people in general.”Liberty Counsel Founder and chairman Mat Staver said, “LGBT activists are abusing the legal system to harass and bully. They began with nonprofit groups and now they are going after individual pastors and faith leaders. These abusive tactics are far outside their legal authority. This subpoena is outrageous because it even requests ‘conversations’ on any topic related to LGBT issues. There is no legal basis for such breathtakingly broad subpoena.”

Tony Perkins said, “Let me be clear. The purpose of these subpoenas is not to resolve any constitutional questions. Their intent is clear – intimidate FRC and our supporters from standing up for our military service members. If standing up against injustice stirs your heart, we now need you to stand with FRC. We are stronger when we stand together.”

Meanwhile, on May 15th President Trump appointed three new members to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. They are Gary Bauer, president of American Values and Washington Action Fund Director of Christians United for Israel, Nadine Maenza, Executive Director of Patriot Voices, and Johnnie Moore, whose career began at Liberty University. Also, he is founder and CEO of a public relations consultancy.

In November, voters have the opportunity to choose the gubernatorial candidate whom they KNOW will reclaim and protect religious freedom in Georgia. For Georgia Insight I’m Sue Ella Deadwyler, your Capitol correspondent.