February 2018 Newsletter

OPPOSE the ERA, It has Dire National Consequences

The ERA does not mention women; it does not put women in the U.S. Constitution. The ERA puts the word “sex” in the U.S. Constitution.

H.R. 969, introduced in the Georgia General Assembly January 29, 2018, is an attempt by Democrats to ratify a federal Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in Georgia. Almost 50 years after it was introduced in 1923, Congress passed ERA, a proposed constitutional amendment, in 1972. Since constitutional amendments must be ratified by three-fourths (38) of the 50 states, a seven-year time limit for ratification was attached to the proposal. At the end of seven years, only 35 states had ratified ERA, leaving them three states short of ratification. During a three-year time-limit extension, no other state ratified ERA and, thankfully, it failed.

ACTION – OPPOSE H.R. 969. Call House Judiciary Committee Representatives Willard, Ch., 404 656-5125; Fleming, V-Ch., 656-0152; Kelley, Sec., 657-1803; Beskin, 656-0254; Caldwell, 656-0152; Golick, 656-5943; Hanson, 656-0325; Powell, 656-5103; Rutledge, 656-0254; Welch, 656-5912; Nix 656-5146 (Ex officio). (These are the 9 Republicans on the 16-member committee.)

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.

February 9, 2018 Radio Commentary

Poll Times, Voting Machines & Registration

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, February 9, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

During this session, the Georgia General Assembly has introduced at least three bills that would affect when we vote, the kind of voting equipment we’ll use, and where voter registration will be held.

As for when we vote, the days won’t change, but the time for polls to open and close will become uniform across the state if this bill passes as introduced.  Senator McKoon introduced S.B. 309 on January 9th to require Georgia polling places for primaries and elections to open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m., whether it’s Eastern Standard Time or daylight saving time.

Also, if his bill passes as introduced, it would include a two-part method for determining how to fill vacancies that occur in Georgia’s delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives.  The first option authorizes a special election if more than twelve months remain in the term that was vacated.  The second option authorizes the governor or his designee to appoint a successor if the remainder of the term is under 12 months.  If you agree with that plan, call Senator Burke at 404 656-0040 and ask him to pass it out of his committee.

H.B. 680, introduced January 18th by Representative Scot Turner, would return Georgia to a paper ballot voting system.  If passed, the electronic voting system would be replaced with a new system of paper ballots, ballot marking devices especially designed for marking paper ballots, ballot scanners, and automatic tabulating equipment to count votes. Continue reading

February 2, 2018 Radio Commentary

English as Official Language

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, February 2, 2018 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

After several attempts to pass a law declaring English Georgia’s official language, it finally passed in the 1996 session.  Issues those days were pretty much the same as they are today, so I’ll quote the very wise Democrat Senator Steve Langford, who co-authored that 1996 bill and, during the debate, explained in three short sentences why English should be declared our official language.

His first point was: “If society is to thrive and communicate at an ‘optimum level,’ we must speak a common language.”  Then, he said, “Society is recognizing so many cultures that few common interests remain.”  I think he must’ve paused a few seconds, sighed, shrugged his shoulders and ended with this: “Language is the easiest interest to keep in common.”

That was 1996, but, evidently, he was aware that, already, many immigrants were avoiding America’s “melting pot” to create their own culture here.  Today, 22 years later, the United States is suffering from English-resistance and massive fragmentation under full-blown multiculturalism.

Legalizing English as our declared state language was a good start in 1996, and it’s past time to do the same in the State Constitution.  So, two bills have been introduced in the Senate to do just that.  S.R. 587 and S.R. 613 do not infringe on anyone’s right to communicate in another language, but it does require English to be used in official state actions that bind or commit Georgia or appear to present official state views. That’s already Georgia law, but it needs to be declared in the State Constitution. Continue reading

January 2018 Newsletter

Good Bills to Support in 2018

S.R. 587, Declare English Georgia’s Official Language by Senator Josh McKoon
S.R. 613, Declare English Georgia’s Official Language by Senator David Shafer

Both bills propose a constitutional amendment to declare in the Constitution of the State of Georgia that English is this state’s official language as specified in a 1996 Georgia law. Meaning, if passed, English must always be the language used in any official state action which binds or commits Georgia or gives the appearance of presenting official state views. Since 1996 that has been a legal requirement, but it has not been reflected in the State Constitution.

Three critical reasons for declaring English the state official language emerged during the S.B. 519 debate 22 years ago. Those statements are even more relevant in this effort to memorialize the law in the Constitution of the State of Georgia. Those reasons are as follows:

(a) If society is to thrive and communicate at an “optimum level,” we must speak a common language.
(b) Society is recognizing so many cultures that few common interests remain.
(c) Language is the easiest interest to keep in common.

ACTION – SUPPORT S.R. 587 and S.R. 613. Call Rules Committee Senators Mullis, Ch., 404 656-0057; Hill, V-Ch., 656-5038; Millar, Sec., 463-2260; Albers, 463-8055; Butler, 656-0075; Cowsert, 463-1366; Gooch, 656-9221; Henson, 656-0085; Kennedy, 656-0045; Miller,656-6578; Shafer, 656-0048; Tate, 463-8053; Thompson, 463-1318; Tippins, 657-0406; Unterman, 463-1368, and Wilkinson, 656-5257.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.