December 9, 2016 Radio Commentary

Do you know what that slick ad is for?

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, December 9, 2016 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

An advertising campaign is moving through metro Atlanta in a big way. So says the Department of Public Health, CDC and MARTA that teamed up to promote Gardasil, a drug approved by the FDA in 2006.

No doubt, you’ve seen TV ads of young teens asking mom and dad whether they know about the drug, insinuating that all teens should be vaccinated with it. Not only are these ads on TV, they are on 50 MARTA buses, 120 MARTA trains, and 20 MARTA bus shelters, where they’re expected to be seen 12.7 million times.

When you read the ad, check to see whether it says HPV is a sexually transmitted disease or that it’s incurable and that it causes 30 to 40 types of infections, including cancer, or whether it explains which organs may fail and how many ways it may harm your teenager now or in future adult years.

The December 2011 full-page ad in the AJC Parade Magazine said: “Boys can be affected by HPV disease, too. Gardasil helps protect both your son and daughter.” Now they’re focusing on girls and boys, but the first vaccine – a three-shot series – was developed for girls, only. In addition to recommending it for boys, too, the updated version may require only two shots. Continue reading