April 2016 Newsletter

Governor: Please Veto H.B. 1058 AIDS and Minors

It tramples parental authority!
Physicians are not required to notify parents if their child has AIDS.
AIDS: Facts in Georgia

Georgia’s total of 2,664 new HIV diagnoses in 2013 was fifth highest in the nation.
In 2013 Georgia had 1,219 diagnoses of HIV Stage 3, which is AIDS.
Of the 1,219 AIDS cases, 21% had never been tested; 80% were male; 20% were female.
The highest number of new HIV diagnoses in Georgia during 2013 occurred among males age 20-29.
Of males age 13 and older diagnosed with HIV, 72% occurred with male-to-male contact.
Of females age 13 and older diagnosed with HIV, 78% occurred in opposite-sex contacts.
– Georgia Department of Public Health, HIV Surveillance Summary, Georgia 2013

H.B. 1058 Venereal Disease and HIV/AIDS by Representative Betty Price amends laws on (a) HIV tests for pregnant women, (b) minor’s consent to medical care and surgery, (c) AIDS and HIV counseling, (d) HIV tests for minors, and (e) parental notification of AIDS-infected child.
Section 1, concerning testing of expectant mothers, changes words without changing the intent of current law, while adding that pregnant women will have an opportunity to refuse HIV tests.
Section 2 begins by quoting current state law that authorizes minors to personally consent to medical or surgical care or services by a physician, when the minor “professes to be afflicted with a venereal disease,” i.e. syphilis, gonorrhea, or chancroid.
H.B. 1058 adds HIV and HIV diagnosis to the list of venereal diseases for which minors can give consent for confidential medical or surgical care or services, without parental notification.
Section 3 removes the requirement for the Department of Public Health (DPH) to develop supplemental AIDS and HIV data brochures to provide patients counseled for AIDS and HIV.
Section 4 deletes current law (a) that provides patients the opportunity to refuse HIV testing. Also, (b) patients no longer control whether negative test results remain in their medical record.
Section 5 is a legislated, premeditated, deliberate, egregious affront to parents.

  • To read the rest of this story and the remainder of the newsletter in PDF format, please click here.