September 2015 Newsletter

(The September 2015 Newsletter content includes topics on NEA, Refugee Resettlement)

The Federal DOE and NEA-Style Morality

The National Education Association, founded in 1857, is the nation’s oldest and largest labor union for teachers. Its online self-description states: “The NEA lobbies elected and government officials on everything from government funding of education to school safety to teacher pay. The union is a staunch opponent of school vouchers, which would allow parents to use government funding to send their children to private school.”

In 1972 the massive NEA union formed a political action committee, and three years later joined other unions to create the Labor Coalition Clearinghouse for election campaigning. Ten percent (400) of NEA’s 4,000 members in each congressional district went to the Democratic National Convention in 1976 to nominate that party’s presidential candidate Jimmy Carter.

He was elected, and upon his signature October 17, 1979, S.210 became law, authorizing the creation of a federal Department of Education.

  • To read the rest of this newsletter in PDF format, please click here.