October 24, 2014 Radio Commentary

Principles for American Renewal

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, October 24, 2014 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

They waited ’til October 2nd to do it, but finally the Republican Party announced their Principles for American Renewal.

The foundation for the Republican Principles is to honor the Constitution of the United States, which they value and want preserved. As their First Principle, Republicans want to expand the economy, which would give hard-working Americans better wages and more opportunities. Building on that foundation, their Second Principle is to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment, make government more efficient and leave the next generation with opportunity, not debt.

Fixing healthcare is the Third Principle. Republicans want to start over with real reform that puts patients and doctors back in charge of healthcare. And Number Five says no veteran should have to wait in line for months or years just to see a doctor. As for security, the Fourth Principle is for a safe America, meaning a strong military supported by a growing economy, energy independence and secured borders. About education, the Sixth Principle states, “no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing school.”

The Seventh Principle reminds us that the best anti-poverty program is a strong family and a good job, so the focus is on lifting up all people and helping them find work. The Eighth Principle states, “Our country should value the traditions of family, life, religious liberty, and hard work.”

Principle Nine advocates for energy independence, investment in domestic energy, lower energy prices and job creation at home. As for immigration, Principle Ten says, “We need an immigration system that secures our borders, upholds the law, and boosts our economy.” The last principle is an invitation to us. It says, “Tell us [Republicans] which principles are most important to you [voters].”

For months, voters wondered why Republicans didn’t explain their plans for the future. Now, they’ve told us what they want to do and they’ve opened the door for us to tell them what we expect of them. So, don’t be shy. Get them on record before the election. Ask them to introduce and support legislation making English our official language. Ask them whether they will prohibit the use of foreign law in Georgia courts and reject efforts to legalize horse racing and casinos. Last but not least, ask them to defend Georgia’s Constitution and laws defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

Since Republican Principle Eleven invites us to participate, let’s participate, and the best way to do so before the election is to learn which candidates reflect these principles and your values. Then vote, accordingly. This is NOT the time to play hooky. Your vote is invaluable! For Georgia Insight I’m Sue Ella Deadwyler, your Capitol correspondent.