March 7, 2014 Radio Commentary

U.S. & Georgia Law for Georgia

Radio Commentary, 90.7, 91.7 New Life FM, March 7, 2014 – By Sue Ella Deadwyler

Good morning, Jim. The sovereignty of the United States is dwindling every day, because multiculturalism is so far front-and -center that we’ve lost our focus and identity as a Judeo-Christian culture. Singing the national anthem is almost passé, very few people publicly pray in Jesus’ name and the American flag may be trampled or burned.

There’s unbelievable resistance at the State Capitol every time a bill is introduced to strengthen immigration laws or protect the sanctity of life, or honor marriage as the sacred union of a man and woman. Pressure is building for foreign law to be used in cases concerning people that come here from other countries. It’s so serious that, in the last four years, seven states have passed laws to prevent U.S. courts from using foreign law and Georgia legislators have tried to pass a similar law here. Tennessee, our neighbor to the north, was the first state to pass legislation banning foreign law in their state courts and last July North Carolina became the seventh.

In Georgia, Senator Tommie Williams introduced S.R. 808 that would change our state Constitution, so only U.S. law and Georgia law could be used in Georgia courts or for public acts and public records. His bill, also, says Georgia would not have to implement laws passed by other states, if they violate our state’s public policy.That took on REAL significance, when a U.S. district judge said Kentucky’s law against same-sex marriage discriminates, as he ruled that Kentucky MUST recognize same-sex unions performed elsewhere. In case you didn’t hear this from the federal level, the U.S. Attorney General stated that, in federal matters, every state must treat same-sex unions as though they were traditional marriages.

As of June 2011, fifty cases had been sent to an appeals court to be decided, because they had been based on foreign law in 23 states. Georgia was not among those states, but S.R. 808 needs to pass to prevent the use of foreign law here. However, the powers-that-be, dutifully, held hearings in the Senate, but refused to let S.R. 808 out of committee. That means the bill is dead and voters will not have the opportunity to vote yea or nay on the issue of foreign law in Georgia courts. For Georgia Insight I’m Sue Ella Deadwyler, your Capitol correspondent.